This is perfect religion with imperfect people. The elders are imperfect that is why there are problems. We just need to endure because Jehovah is allowing this as a test to see if we will still love him. Jehovah who knows everything and see everything He allows things to happen really bad to some people for some reason. We just need to wait on Jehovah until it is His time to reveal it. We must suffer until it is Jehovah's time to make it come to light. We must not move ahead of Jehovah's arrangement. We must remember that even if we are in deep depression there are others that are worse then we are and they endured, we must remember Joseph, Job, Danial and others from the Bible. David who had to run from Saul. Jehovah allows people to be tested to see if they are fit for is kingdom.
We must never question Jehovah and this is Jehovah's perfect religion and he only has imperfect people to use.
Sometimes I really wish I was not alive. You cannot win. I feel so trapped.