I was thinking, not counting those who are DF'd for "conduct," it seems to me that there are two type of exJWs that leave. By this I mean the ones that woke up and came to their senses while still inside.
1. Those who found doctrinal errors and couldn't stay with the lies.
2. Those who found that there was no love and left because of the betrayal of emotions, and realization that by this fruit you knew they were NOT the ones, their lack of love. (I'm including in this the lack of love displayed for physical harm from others in the congregations too, such as child abuse.)
There may be other reasons as well. I'm kind of wondering, though, whether those of us who left for reason number one tend to go on to another christian church, and whether those who leave for the second reason have a different path or if the numbers are about the same?
Which number are you and what are your spiritual/religious beliefs these days?