So I have not turned in any service time in four months or so. This elder, who also happens to be the congregation secretary stops in at my job today. I work for a cellular phone retailer in my home town, so he came in and conversed for a bit about his plan and different options we might be able to work with. I didnt actually believe that was his sole purpose in coming around, and this was confirmed when, toward the end of the conversation, he decided to mention to me that the CO is going to be in town mid November and that he's going to want to know where I've been and why I haven't been out preaching. Those bastards havent bothered to find out where I've been for months, and yet, when the CO is approaching his time of visit, they want to "make sure you're doing ok," or "see where you've been." He mentioned I'd not turned in service time and asked if I planned to again. Think that might have been a question leading to "well, do you even want to be known as a Witness any more?" It just kinda pisses me off! No concern until they are gonna have to hear about it. Bastards.
A Visitor At Work
by Cthulhu 11 Replies latest jw friends
Show the same concern for his plight as he has shown for yours.
Turn in the time after the CO visit.
Sounds about right.
George Couch once told me -- personally, to my face -- that we're all "just a number".
Cults shoot their wounded.
I'm sorry you're having to deal with this.
That's so inappropriate for him to go to your work for that. Would he like it if you went to his work???
I KNOW someone that the elders did this to...same thing! She worked at a coffee shop, and they would stop by this shop (OUT of the cong's territory) and would BLATANTLY ask to speak to her - while she was working!!! They were trying to find out why she hadn't been to meetings or anything, and it got to the point where she ran OUT the one time crying because she was embarassed and tired of getting cornered!!!
Im not sure if it bothered me more that he stopped at my place of employment and did not cease after a customer entered, or that it's really just synthetic concern. The only people these pricks care about are themselves. The CO is going to see that I am gone, a close friend of mine is gone, and that several of my other friends, whom I associate with on a regular basis have dropped their field service hours and they are going to have to explain to him why. Maybe, just maybe, it's because people are starting to realize that they are full of shit and are tired of taking orders like mindless drones.
I bet he didn't buy the extended plan.
I had several of these setups towards the end, faux friendships.
Chthulu and Babygirl,
They just do not understand what 'boundaries' are. This lack of respect for boundaries is pervasive throughout the religion. Somebody should hand them a dictionary and they should study the meaning of the word. They have no business WHATSOEVER to go on to somebody's work premises and try to start a conversation about religion.
The sticky part about all this is that the jobs mentioned are dealing with the 'public' so it has to be handled right because you can't appear to be rude in front of the public. If you are on good terms with the boss you might explain your predicament. Most people and businesses think JWs are a nuisance and if your bosses know somebody is coming in with the purpose of annoying you about religion and not to buy a product or service they might say something on your behalf next time this happens. I would try saying "I'm at work now and can't talk - have a nice day" with a big smile and then turn my back.
It might be a little easier if this happened in an office. If somebody did this on my job I would tell them to look at the sign on the door and notice they are not in the hall but are on somebody else's premises.
one night i received a phone call from one of my elder buddies at the time and he asked me to go get something to eat with him at a local all night restaurant where a sister worked. she had not been to meetings in some time and when people inquired, she said it was her work schedule since she worked two jobs. so at midnight, and mind you he said i had to wear a suit since this was going to be a shepherding call, we went for a midnight breakfast. we walked in and asked if she was working, and she was. we, i mean he, asked to be put in her section and they did. he preteneded the whole time we were there that we were just getting a late snack. before we left he laid into her about not being at meetings and how it makes her family feel. he also told her that she was turning her back on jehovah. she broke down in tears at her job because she was hiding the fact that she had been dating a guy she worked with at her other job, which was her primary income. he told her that she had to quit and do something else to get away from him. he then got up and paid the bill and walked out the door. i noticed that he left a lousy tip for her so i went back to the table as she was cleaning up and told her not to make any decisions until she has time to think clearly because it was obviously unfair to attack her at work. i then gave her a tip which was more than our bill and left. the entire trip back to my house i let him have it that it was obviously not appropriate and i used very strong language to convey it. the sister ended up quitting both jobs and moving away and actually is still in and now married to a ms. supposedly pioneering but not sure. sad, because it validated how he handled the situation as if it was the right way when we all know that this is not. he got lucky
I've been 'talked to' at work before too, over something petty but it was extremely embarrassing and completely inappropriate. I worked on a checkout, scanning customers items and taking money for their groceries. I was approached one day, about the length of my skirt at meetings . I was really berated, in front of customers, bosses. Enough that I burst into tears and fled out the back, leaving behind unhappy customers. If there ever was a bad witness, they sure gave one that day. I never did lengthen my skirts - they were already covering my knees!