"Bearing Thorough Witness"--page 98, par. 13; Compare p. 103, par. 9, 10, 12

by sd-7 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sd-7

    You know what I like? When I find the same old same old in the newest publications. Here's a little sampling, from my now-favorite work of Bible-based fantasy, "Bearing Thorough Witness" About [the Governing Body]. Note page 98, paragraph 13:

    "As we help others learn truths from God's Word, do we, like Paul and Barnabas, avoid seeking adulation? Charles Taze Russell, an outstanding teacher who took the lead in the preaching work in the late 19th and 20th centuries [curious that they don't mention his position as president of the Society--I've noticed that terminology has largely disappeared in recent years], set an example in this regard [Ha!]. He wrote: "We want no homage, no reverence, for ourselves or our writings; nor do we wish to be called Reverend or Rabbi." Brother Russell's humble attitude reflected that of Paul and Barnabas."

    Wonderful sentiment. Except for the fact that "Brother" Russell was known as PASTOR Russell, just as "Brother" Rutherford was known as JUDGE Rutherford--a particularly presumptuous title in this particular association, given that Christ alone does the judging. And while, as I understand it, Russell wasn't inclined to expel people who didn't agree with his ideas, he still thought of himself as God's mouthpiece and the embodiment of the "faithful slave", which is no different than believing himself to be a prophet. He certainly got plenty of homage in the process, too.

    I'm also reminded of an article in which the Governing Body reminds us to not try to interpret the Bible on our own, but rather, have the attitude of Joseph, who said, "Do not interpretations belong to God?" God, in this case, must therefore be the Governing Body, as only they are permitted to interpret the Bible for us, right? So much for no homage.

    But we don't need to go to another article or even another book to find a clear contradiction of this seemingly noble statement. Page 103, paragraph 9:

    "The brothers in Antioch knew that the governing body was made up entirely of Christians of Jewish background. Yet, they trusted that body to settle the question of circumcision in harmony with the Scriptures. Why? The congregation was confident that Jehovah would direct matters by means of his holy spirit and the Head of the Christian congregation, Jesus Christ. (Matt. 28:18, 20; Eph. 1:22, 23) When serious issues arise today, let us imitate the fine example of the believers in Antioch by trusting [who? Bait and switch] God's organization and its Governing Body of anointed Christians, who represent "the faithful and discreet slave"."

    Notice, no mention of Jesus Christ or the holy spirit directing matters for them--only a mention of trusting God's organization and its Governing Body. Speaking of which, if Jesus Christ is Head of the Christian congregation, as they mention here, HOW IS THE GOVERNING BODY GOVERNING ANYTHING?????!! They are in no position to govern! JESUS does the governing! They are supposed to be SLAVES, NOT GOVERNORS!

    Paragraph 10:

    "Elders today strive to have the same humble, patient attitude when potentially divisive questions arise. Instead of being contentious, they look to Jehovah by consulting the Scriptures and [you guessed it] the instruction and guidance provided by the slave class."

    Guidance by the slave class = looking to Jehovah. No homage of their writings whatsoever going on here.

    Paragraph 12:

    "So let us never proudly push ahead [loaded language'd!!!] with our own ideas or react negatively to organizational changes or to adjusted explanations of certain scriptures. If you detect even a hint of such a tendency in yourself, why not meditate prayerfully on the timely principles found in Acts chapter 15?* *See the box "Jehovah's Witnesses Build Their Beliefs on the Bible'."

    So if they want no homage for their writings, how is anyone with a different perspective "proudly pushing ahead"? And by meditate, I take it they mean, erase your thoughts and replace them with ours, right? Cult mind control--no negative thoughts about doctrine tolerated. Nice.

    Acts 15 gives a very different story than is practiced in the "modern day organization". The apostles did not meet in secret to make this decision--the congegation at Jerusalem, described as a "multitude", was present. No Governing Body meeting today would be held in the sight of any congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses--no doubt they would be horrified, or the GB would put on a show, having rehearsed it all beforehand. Note also that the contents of the apostles' letter to the congregations included no threats of expulsion if people did not cooperate. It even mentions the holy spirit. When was the last time you saw the holy spirit mentioned as playing a role in any Questions From Readers or Watchtower study article 'adjustments'? I can't think of a time in recent history, but I've not bothered reading much of it for awhile. If anyone knows of an example of that, by all means post it.

    The footnote references Jason David BeDuhn--apparently the Society's favorite scholar--as praising the Witnesses for 'working with the raw materials of the Bible' and not putting their own beliefs on top of it. How much, I wonder, has Mr. BeDuhn actually studied the Witnesses' doctrine? As I hear it, he also mentioned that they placed the name Jehovah into the New Testament without any basis for it and on top of that, failed to place the divine name consistently in every place where the Old Testament is quoted (because it might force them to admit that scriptures about Jehovah were applied directly to Jesus ["provided you have tasted that Jehovah [the Lord, NWT] is kind. Coming to him [Jesus]"--1 Peter 3, I think). I'm tired of hearing this guy quoted [they quoted him in a Public Edition Trinity article awhile back]. I'm going to order his book and see the full story. I know that any of his criticisms were ignored.

    Well, I just find it all to be unfortunate. The humble moments presented in the literature are quickly upended by organizational arrogance, every time. Someday, it would be refreshing to hear them say, we, the Governing Body, were wrong about [x]. Not that "Jehovah's Witnesses erred in this belief", passing the blame to people who have no control over the beliefs in the first place. But to admit their mistakes, genuinely, humbly. That would be nice. I might actually consider trusting them again if they did that. ... Sorry. I can't say that with a straight face.

    Fire away.


  • straightshooter

    Very insightful rendering. The GB definitely would like the elders and all not to question their directions or act independently.

    I also thought it is interesting how the titles President, Judge, Pastor has been vanishing from the WTS literature in reference to former "leaders" of the WTS.

  • Balsam

    No questioning the authority of the GB, after all they are direct connection to Jehovah even bypassing Jesus as the true mediator. I was astonished thinking back how little Jesus was talked about in meetings. I remember one time when I had my sons put a mark next to names they should listen for at meetings. Jesus, Jehovah, Holy Spirit and you know what I found that sometimes we went through entire meetings without Jesus even being mentioned except in the prayer. I thought the boys weren't paying attention good but when all three came up the same I began to notice Jesus was rarely mentioned. It made sense after I left the JW's. Jesus is not as important to them.

  • sd-7

    Yeah. Very true, Balsam. I felt for a long time, even before I started questioning things, that Christianity was probably very different from what JWs practiced. The notable absence of the name Jehovah from the New Testament compared to the Old Testament stood out to me--neither Jesus nor Paul seemed obsessed with saying it every five seconds.

    The pecking order is often made very clear--the Governing Body routinely assumes the role of Christ and even the role of God. I mean, calling itself the 'Mother' organization is a direct slap in the face of the SON, implying that a human organization is superior to the one given all authority in heaven and on earth.

    I didn't realize this entry was so long until later. Sorry...I get carried away.


  • cantleave

    I'm going to order his book and see the full story. I know that any of his criticisms were ignored

    Let us know if you get his book and share the gems!!!

  • sd-7

    I just ordered it--should reach me by this Thursday. If the shipping weren't so expensive I'd have had it get here sooner...but I'll share what I find out from BeDuhn's book once I go through it. I can respect a guy who's even-handed--hence why I totally dug Raymond Franz' books. But if someone is just misinformed, that's something else. And I think this guy may be misinformed; even if the NWT is accurate--and for all I know, it may well be--that hardly proves that JWs have the truth. It just means they did a good job translating, not that they understand what the scriptures actually say. One must be careful not to confuse the two. Thanks for the replies. Keep 'em coming.


  • peacedog

    "even if the NWT is accurate--and for all I know, it may well be"

    It's not.

    BeDuhn's big thing as I recall was John 1:1 and the "a god" translation and he's latched onto the NWT on account of that. He seems to have a real hard on for Jesus being only "a god".

    The mistranslations in the NWT go way, way beyond John 1:1 though, and from what I've read from BeDuhn, he ignores them all.

    There are some simply brutal translations in the NWT that would not be even conceivable were it not for pre-existing WT doctrine. I can't tell you why BeDuhn seems ignorant of these verses.

  • Cadellin

    Though I haven't read his book, it's my understanding that, far from being an exhaustive examination of the NWT, DeBuhn has rather focussed on comparing just a few scriptures across several translations. And it may well be that the NWT does a good job of translating those handful of occurrences (I don't know), which would have no reflection on inadequacies beyond the rather narrow scope of DeBuhn's work. I'll be interested to hear what you find, sd-7.

  • Cadellin

    Uh-oh, do I have his name wrong?

  • metatron

    "Pushing ahead"? My God, what total bullsh*t!

    Few Witnesses know how Fred Franz exposed this Governing Body Bullsh*t many years ago by carefully pointing out that the Governing Body is a fiction, an invention. Every Christian in the 1st century believed himself or herself to have their own personal channel to God. They didn't depend on any Governing Body to "govern" - such an idea is an utter misreading of history. The Apostles and older men in Jerusalem simply set an example for congregations and offered their (generally) respected collective opinion amidst Christians who prophesied, spoke in tongues and performed miracles. If you can do stuff like that, (to paraphrase "The Treasure of Sierra Madre")..............then your attitude is:

    "Governing Body? We don't need no stinkin' Governing Body!"

    The Apostle Paul did not consult with James or anybody else to work as an apostle - a fact he makes quite clear in Galatians. Fred Franz argued (unsuccessfully) that the organization did just fine with being led by a Watchtower president (together with his work as Chief Oracle/Soothsayer/Master Interpreter/Prophet.)


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