Well, I just ordered "Crisis of Conscience". I'm kind of nervous about actually buying and reading it. This life is all I've ever known, it's my whole identity really. And I'm kind of sad that there is no turning back.
Crisis of Conscience
by EmptyInside 17 Replies latest jw friends
EmptyInside, great book!!! Don't be nervous, even though it is natural. I remember when I purchased the book, I was still in the borg LOL and I went to a local christian book shop (hoping the hell no one saw me). While there is no turning back, life gets easier and better - heaps better. Welcome to freedom!!
What's sad is that a cult has been your whole identity. Cheer up, the world is at your feet, and you can create an identity tht is authentically yours.
If your traveling the wrong way and someone shows you the map and brings to your attention that you are going the wrong way, would you keep going or would you turn around. (Hmm, sound familiar?)
Think of Ray's book as a map.
Open mind
It's not too late!
When the book arrives just throw it in the trash.
Then go back to the Kingdom Hall and make sure you believe every word or Jehovah will kill you.
And while you're at it make sure you love him sincerely with every fiber of your being or he'll kill you for not being "whole souled" and having doubts.
p.s. Or you can listen to your heart, embrace the ambiguity of not knowing and follow your path.
You've heard the phrase "paradigm shift"? Once you read this book, you will look at everything differently. For instance, you will recognize "the truth about The Truth" and that you occupy the moral high ground. Your path will be clearer after that.
I understand your feelings. I ordered the book too and felt nervous that someone would find out. I even remember having nightmares that family members found the book in my possesion. Of course I'm DA'd now so I don't care, but it took about a year and a half.
The truth is that there really is no turning back now. I cannot imagine how anyone could read the book and still believe its God's organization. I don't know if you are religious or not, but if you are, being around other jw will feel strange. Being at the meetings and listening to talks is upsetting because they dishonor the Creator. Whats worse is when you are assigned a part, I was still an MS at the time and bookstudy conductor, so you can imagine.
Hang in there. The book is an awesome read for sure and is well documented to show you that everything is legit.
P.S. Don't feel pressured by anyone to accept the trinity doctrine, do your own research and be honest about it.
Thanks to everyone for your encouraging words. And to Piercingtheveil81: It's not so much that I'm nervous about someone finding the book in my possession, although that would be a problem, it's that I'm kind of nervous of entering a new chapter in my life. And I'm still active, of course, not as much as I used to be. And yes, it already is strange being around those at the hall. And the way they talk is foreign to me now. For example, this one older sister is having one problem after another, mainly health problems. I started counting and sure enough, someone said the old explanation, "well, that's how Satan works." And now everyone is planning on having singing-a-long parties to learn the new songs in the new song book. I'm just thinking of what excuses I can come up with that will spare me from it all. And I even have a talk in the ministry school coming up. And, of course, I'm not into it. I've decided to keep mum about my feelings pretty much to anyone. I just don't want any drama, especially since I haven't figured it all out yet. And finally, I'm never going to believe the trinity. I don't think I want to be a part of another organized religion if I definitely leave the organization. I don't know if I could go the whole atheist route as some have chosen, but, to each his own.
I hope that everything turns out well.
I would say, however, not to just throw the baby out with the bath water so to speak. Worship of God has and will always be somewhat divisive no matter what anyone says. But that doesn't mean that we should give up on seeking what is pleasing to the Creator and doing it. This is how I felt and ultimately that was the strength that carried me through leaving the Org. When I finally spoke to the elders about my feelings I felt fearless. They had no answers to my questions.
But really take to the time to search for truth. Pray to God directly with no mediator. The israelites and prophets of old did not pray through mediators yet God heard them. So ask Him for guidance and direction to a straight path, and do it sincerely. While many may disagree me, I believed I've found that path in a belief that is found in the hearts of 1.4 billion people around the world. It is the path of Islam.
In your search do not exclude Islam. It is a religion that greatly respects the prophets from Abraham to Moses to Jesus and Muhammad the final prophet. It holds in high regard the oneness of God as the only one worthy of worship without partners. Just as there are ways of seeing some divine authorship on some writings in the bible so to there many of those found in the Quran which prove its divine authorship. So check it out when you can when you get to that point. There are loads of videos on youtube about it. And even though Islam gets very bad publicity it is becoming the fastest growing religion in the world. Many Christians are leaving the churches and converting to Islam. Why? That would be something to check for yourself as I did.
I don't mean to be very preachy but I just get excited to tell others to at least take an honest look at Islam, a religion that is often neglected of consideration by so many.
Out at Last!
Read the book, think about what you've read, then decide. There is no rush, and you surely do not want anyone who's "in" to know your doubts or plans to stop. As you can see by all the comments, you are free for the first time to make your own decisions, and change your mind anytime you want. Another good read is Combatting Cult Mind Control by Steven Hassan, you can get it on Amazon.com used for $4-6. Both books will amaze you at what the WT is doing. Enjoy your freedom.