I am not by any means an expert on hypnosis . I don't think Mr Crawley was saying that a cult had to have each and every trait mentioned either .That being said here is what Margaret T. Singer, Ph.D. a Prof. of Psychology says are the methodology of cult hypnosis. I have included how I think the jws use the methods in parenthesis after the ones that I think apply.
(see Ericksonian hypnosis)
speaking patterns (remember how we are taught to read for emphasis in the MS) guided imagery (constant references to a paradise earth) pacing of voice to breathing patterns
parables, stories with imbedded messages ( all the experiances that are related to the congregation)
repetition ( we here talks on the same topic over and over again as well as WT articles on basically the same topic)
boredom (the meetings are boring )
stop paying attention to distractions, focus
inwardly to what's going on inside you
the use of one's voice to get people's attention
Chanting, Meditation
Teach thought-stopping techniques
Work them up emotionally to a negative state:
re-experience past painful events
recall negative actions/sin in past life
Then rescue them from negative emotion by giving them a new
way to live
As I said before i am by no means an expert, so if others understand this process better please comment and clarify.