Man Vs. Woman---The Organization's View

by minimus 67 Replies latest jw friends


    True minmus. It is your thread,that is why you should stay focus
    and don'tbring other themes to it.
    We follow Jesus example that consistently treated women with respect.

    We avoid,to follow the discriminatory traditions
    and regulations taught by the Pharisees.
    Our sisters have a great deal in the organization.
    Give parts in the congregations,demonstrations,they pioneer,comments on bible topics
    they helped their fellow servants ect..

    And they are happy to be part of a worldwide
    brotherhood. So the so called 2nd class citizens
    in the Organization related to the sisters
    is incorrect from your part as the view of the rest of the posters.

  • mrsjones5

    But in order to operate a microphone (such a hard job ) you've got to have a penis.

  • Georgiegirl

    Wow. Must be Halloween...bringing out the trolls.

  • Robdar

    We avoid,to follow the discriminatory traditions
    and regulations taught by the Pharisees.
    Our sisters have a great deal in the organization.
    Give parts in the congregations,demonstrations,they pioneer,comments on bible topics
    they helped their fellow servants ect..

    On behalf of the sisters in the congregation, let me be the first to thank you for the crumbs from your table.

    Go visit other churches (you will not go up in a flame of smoke) see how well they treat their women and then come back here and tell me how good the sisters have it. Until you get out there and compare other churches, you haven't a clue what you are talking about. But by all means, bury your pointy, little head as far into the sand as possible.

    BTW, Beware the demonz under your bed tonight. I am sure your tender jw ass is a tasty treat.

  • mrsjones5

    "But by all means, bury your pointy, little head as far into the sand as possible."

    Go on, squat!! You're so full of it anyway.

  • Robdar
    Wow. Must be Halloween...bringing out the trolls.

    LOL Bringing out the spiritually dead is more like it.

  • yknot


    Either you are a recent convert or you are assuming your personal views are shared by other Brothers within the worldwide Organization.

    Chauvinism happens.

    The Org in recent times has tried to clean up it's image regarding the abuses often suffered by women at the hands of there JW husbands. Also consider that over the course of history women's lib has changed society but that many men who are currently in authority positions weren't raised with those kind of POVs.

    I myself was chastized recently for having a collection of WT publications the WTS says isn't available to me because of my gender.

    And why exactly can't a gal give a PT? It isn't like yall are 'teaching' either .......unless you really count reading a prepared Org outline, with a personal embelishment here and there along with an introduction and conclusion is teaching versus just giving a speech. LOL I put in more personal effort in writing a TMS #2 talk skit than that!!!!!

    Our history like other religions history of picking and choosing from Paul's OPINONS is just that pick and choose.....not strict adherence.

  • meangirl

    Good points everybody!!! Oh and Atalaya you still haven't shown me a DIRECT COMMAND BY GOD saying women were to be in subjection.....I am STILL waiting patiently!!!!

  • meangirl

    Oh and Atalaya you yourself just stuck your foot in your mouth: "The sisters are happy to be part of a BROTHERHOOD."........You are so sexist and yet don't even realize it......


    meangirl if your inquire is related to the congregation here is an example:

    Paul explained the headship arrangement in the congregation, saying: "I do not permit a woman to teach, or to exercise authority over a man, but to be in silence." (1 Timothy 2:12; 1 Corinthians 11:3)

    This does not mean that women cannot be teachers of divine truth. Paul encouraged older women to be "teachers of what is good" to younger women. In following the example of Eunice and Lois, who instructed Timothy, Christian mothers are to train their children in godly ways. (Titus 2:3-5; 2 Timothy 1:5) Today, in congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses, hundreds of thousands of Christian women find spiritual fulfillment in following the examples of Euodia and Syntyche in preaching the good news publicly and in making disciples of men and women.—Psalm 68:11; Matthew 28:19; Philippians 4:2, 3.

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