I would suspect that he had nefarious purposes in doing this. This would allow this hounder to get details he is not entitled to know, and then apply some "counsel" that could amount to "loose conduct" (disregarding the hounder's authority) charges. As I see it, masturbation is one of things that they should apply 1Thess 4:11 with (they do follow the Bible, don't they?)
a very weird elder
by asilentone 16 Replies latest jw experiences
Perhaps the elder wanted to get every publisher he knew into a circle jerk so they could overcome masturbation together. You know : brings more unity to the congregation.
Maybe someone should point out to him that the bible very clearly speaks against this very practice:
"But in giving this instruction, I do not praise you, because you come together not for the better but for the worse."
- 1 Cor 11:17
maybe he was just a pro...and wanted to help others if the problem they had was their technique?....sounds like he really cares to me!.....oompa
Maybe, he was looking to shift somebodies shifter, or perhaps give someone the shaft(DF get your mind out of the gutter))
So if you're addicted to something like smoking you'll likely get the shaft,
but if you're addicted to masturbation you'll get "help"?
I don't get them.
if you're addicted to masturbation you'll get "help"?
I thought that was called mutual masturbation
That's not true. Fellas get the shaft with masturbation too.