Or just you mndless ridiculers?
Are there any Thinkers here?
by theMadJW 108 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
duh i dunno
I stopped going to meetings in 1985 because they always prayed for the slave which is actually a false slave
The governing body IS NOT ANNOINTED!!!!
Thinkers about what??
Most people here have thought very hard, and come to the conclusion that the WTS is a cult led by a small group of powerhungry old men. They have seen through the lies and mind control techniques employed by the society and gained freedom from its manipulation.
So yes there are lots of thinkers here.
Black Sheep
You have been here for a month. Read some threads and make up your own mind. We are not here to do your thinking for you.
(yawn) another drive-by insult. THERE'S some intellectual superiority for you.
Personally I think mindless ridicule can be a useful component of a holistic strategy for dealing with the stress and pain of being taken in by a pointless, life-wasting cult.
Nathan Natas
That's MISTER mndless ridiculers to you, sonny.
No. We're all stupid idiots . What about you ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper
i'll have to think about it