Isn't my post clear?
by Farkel 19 Replies latest jw friends
Isn't my post clear?
Of course, to say that, one has to admit that their Holy Book (which made all the murdering claims) goes right in the toilet where is was spawned in the first place. And without their Holy Book, they have no "authority." And with no authority, all their claims to it and rules from it are rubbish.
I used to feel that way about the "holy book"
I still read in a serious manner the following 6 books of the bible: Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
The value I get from them is purely personal.
This I am sure pisses of group theists who would be confused that I take it as my right to pick and choose what I value and what I discard.
I am a big believer in the theory that bad ideas gain momentum over time, thus, giving us Christianity as we know it. I doubt very seriously any of the characters found in the bible would believe that there little movement would turn into this superstitious thought wave that has come over planet earth today....
It's a mystery. Religion is so screwed up.
:Isn't my post clear?
Sorta. But what you didn't bother to point out was that it took three HUNDRED years for that to happen. That is a lot longer than the United States has been in existence. Furthermore, Christians would have not made a whit difference on Rome if a certain, unnamed Emperor (by the name of Constantine) didn't have the wisdom to use that religion for his own political ends.
He had a "vision" about that. "Visions" are good. You can't tape them, you can't verify them and there are no witnesses to them. Visions are good.
I should have some and see where I can go in life with that. I've often thought that if we had invisible purple unicorns as Gods (they don't kill stuff), we might be better off than having Bible-Based Gods. They DO kill stuff.
It's just a thought.
During those 300 yrs leading up to contiantine, christianity was growing like wildfire. It must have been something else besides the murderous side of biblegod that attracted them. More than likely, it was the writings and stories about jesus.
Somebody just watched 300?
It's the Old Testament Asshole that loved blood and death.
Joesph Stalin said well: "One murder is a tragedy, a million murders is a statistic."
Farkel, There are no bible gods in existence. Wow! look what I just said: I have no proof of this. However, there is plenty of proof that god or gods have nothing to do with all the murders recorded in the jewish / christian / and islamic story books that have captivated billions of people. War, murder amongst humans is totaly mans doing. To pin it on a story book god or gods is fiction.
But, Farkel you know this already. I know where your coming from with this topic on murder. It just does not make sense to believe a god or gods are doing all of this murdering when it is so obvious that man"s inhumanity to man is historically evident.
It all comes down to this:
If the murderer has connections and power this is major determining factor on how he is viewed. A conquering ruler, may be exempt from harsh judgements if he is still ruling and everybody is afraid of him or he has a good enough information(propaganda) campaign that justifies him. This may linger on way past his death depending on how good his information campaign and how much it fits into national pride and interest of the currant ruling persons or party.
God on the other hand has his followers that are terrified to think anything bad about him lest he read their mind and punish them for thinking bad thoughts about hims, even worse if they give vent to these thoughts and speak something bad about him,,thus sinning against this hot tempered jealous, retributive God, brings goosebumps of fear and sweat due to ones indoctrination from birth. Therefore explaining why His followers are so reluctant to call any sort of thing this god does as evil or wrong. He therefore can earn the title of a God of Love even though he is a mass murderer according to the mythological story book called the bible.
In Watchtower World..
Killing billions of people..
Makes you absolutely Adorable!
You would be Worshiped in Kindom Halls,all over the world..
You would be considered a..
....................... ...OUTLAW