A sad call from an older brother

by life is to short 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    We got a call a couple of days ago from this older brother in the hall. He is a great guy who is in his eighties. He has a very hard time walking and just getting around because of old age but he is the kindest man. Would do anything for anyone.

    Well he called and wanted to talk to my husband. Seems he has been feeling really bad because he just cannot get out in service like he feels he must. He feels he is letting Jehovah down by not doing his part to make known God's kingdom. He likes to go out in service with my husband because he has to use the bathroom often due to old age and he cannot walk well, falls down a lot, stumbles and such. Of course my die hard husband told him that he would only to willing to go out in service with him, which is good in one way because my husband will not push him and this man can ease his mind that he is doing Jehovah's work.

    When my husband got off the phone I said how sad it that! This poor man in his last years of life is feeling such guilt. He did all he could until now and now his body just will not let him do this stupid work of bugging people at their homes and he is spending the last years of his life depressed. Of course my husband took offence to what I said, but it is how I feel. How can the JW's not see how crazy this is. We are not spreading Good news we are bugging the heck out of people.

    No wonder this religion is full of people who and depressed the guilt placed on us is always there Yet We are the HAPPY PEOPLE! Yeh right. Any thoughts on how happy the JW's are.

  • fokyc

    So sad, but so true.

    It is just the same in my wife's cong, there are several older publishers and the elders just ignore them,

    they hardly even speak with them in the KH.

    They will eventually reap what they sow!


  • jookbeard

    I remember a very old frail lady in our Kingdumb Hall many years ago, housebound/lame,arthritic , in sheltered OAP accommodation yet she used to spend as many hours a week letter writing , her handwriting ineligible as this was the only way she could "publish" and my father use to visit her to gather her letters and post them for her, she must have been in her 80's when I was a kid. What a sick way for her to spend her last days.

  • finallysomepride

    there should a provision for honorable retirement from publishing work in the cases discribed.

    (Damn it all, they all should give it up).

  • wantstoleave

    Poor man! Got to admire their dedication though...the old ones at the hall have my respect, love them alot. I'm glad your husband was able to make this mans day by helping him out. Though I agree he should be spending his last years winding down, without the worry of putting a report in

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    If this man were to lose his purpose in life at this late date he would probably die. His mind is still engaged and he has good company while with your husband. It's never been about having lots of success for him. Someone and bugging people is better than no one. W.Once

  • wantstoleave

    Wasanelder is right, it's nice that this brother likes being in your husbands company and is able to get out and about. Sometimes for instance, when people retire, they have to find a new purpose, new goals/hobbies because they become totally lost. This brother has a continued purpose and it's probably keeping him alive.

  • chickpea

    the "loving provision" provided
    by the b0rg of being able to
    "report time" as minimal as
    15 minutes is the only concession
    aimed at accommodating the husks
    of the lives of people they have used up

  • finallysomepride

    His dedication is admorable & should be highly respected, how ever an organistion like the WTS should be, by policy, encoraging frail, ill, both physically & emotionally weak members to some sort of retirement from active field service & also provide a social network to replace the time previously spent in witnessing. Retirement from field service may mean other avenues of contact to preach e.g. letter writing, telephone, email, internet, or just sitting in the park talking to passersby. Expecting & demanding that it's members who are not physicly able to, is so wrong.

    (Damn it all, they all should give it up).

  • nelly136

    thank goodness he has your husband to go out with, quite often they are forgtten and discarded one theyve finished serving any useful purpose


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