Thanks for your input, Mrs Jones and UC.
by snowbird 29 Replies latest watchtower bible
Thanks for your input, Mrs Jones and UC.
I want, really I do, to give you a meaningful reply, Sylvia, but I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' babies.
CoCo B'fly
i know plenty about it!!
4 homebirths...
the smallest was 9 #
the biggest was 10.5# !!
i would hardly characterize
the birth sounds as "moaning"...
THAT is the sound i would ascribe
to the activity that led to the birth pangs.....
I never made a sound giving birth, don't know how I managed not to! My first was 9lb on due date. My second was premature by a few weeks and still well over 8lb. It's a wonderful experience giving birth, even for all the pain.
I would never say that giving birth is a "wonderful experience" unless I had an epidural. Even then, I couldn't say it was good at all. The first kiss is the best one, though, even through all that cheese. I kissed her right through it for the first time and fell in love right then and there.
These boys found out more than they ever wanted to know:
I didn't have the drugs, was trying for the natural birth experience. I guess I saw it was wonderful in the sense that the body is an amazing thing, and capable of so much. Nurturing a baby in your womb for 9mths and then giving birth, it was just such a momentous thing for me.
The pain is unbelievable (feels like you're being ripped asunder from the inside), fortunately it soon passes and you have another love of your life in your arms.
The only pain relief I ever had was Morphine and that was with my first birth. I had forgotten the breathing exercise and was quickly losing control (I didn't know I could scream that loud ) and the morphine helped take the edge off.
With my other three births I dilated too quickly for any drugs but that was OK since I had in my birth plan for all four births no epidural (I had studied and concluded that an epidural would slow down the birth process with the possibility of it leading to a c-section and I wasn't happy with the potential for infection (both happened to a friend of mine resulting in her staying for a week after the birth and the baby staying for 2 weeks because of infection). So I heavily relied on those breathing exercises to carry me through, breathing through the pain and focusing on something other than the pain - rocking seems to help too.
My smallest child was 8lbs 11ozs and my largest child (my only daughter) was 10lbs 11ozs, all vaginal births.
My smallest child was 8lbs 11ozs and my largest child (my only daughter) was 10lbs 11ozs, all vaginal births.
Here's to YOU, super-mom! Wow.
The pain is unbelievable (feels like you're being ripped asunder from the inside), fortunately it soon passes and you have another love of your life in your arms. The only pain relief I ever had was Morphine and that was with my first birth. I had forgotten the breathing exercise and was quickly losing control (I didn't know I could scream that loud ) and the morphine helped take the edge off. C-sections are the new rage down here. I think it's because some doctors don't have any patience, and others need the training. Sylvia |