Why we cannot know who wrote the articles in WT & AW?
by asilentone 11 Replies latest watchtower bible
Because Knorr was afraid people would be more loyal to Fred and others over him since he didn't really contribute .....
Now I suppose it is to keep everything under copywrite....
Because the mystery gives the JW the impression that it's coming from Jehovah, and who would want to have their name labeled on the crap that is in these articles anyway? I'd be embarrassed to have my name attached to the second grade level of writing found in the WT study articles.
Doug Mason
Is it because they need to hide the fact that most are written by "other sheep members" and not by those of the "anointed (FDS) class"?
Is it because they need to hide the fact that most are written by "other sheep members" and not by those of the "anointed (FDS) class"?
Even if they had no other reasons, that one would surfice.
Who in thier right mind..
Would admit..
To writing that Bullsh*t?..
..................... ...OUTLAW
life is to short
They want us to believe that it is written by Holly Spirit. It all sound so crazy now, that I could have believed it.
Black Sheep
They want us to believe that it is written by Holly Spirit.
Ten out of ten for LITS & Frankie
Credit for the contents of the Watchtower must be attributed to God only, or the bOrg loses it's claim to be God's channel.
Because they are embarrassed to reveal themselves as the source of all the lies.
I always thought that there might have been some latent embarrassment over some of the Rutherford rantings, particularly that book that he tried to bridge over from the Russell days. Then too, Rutherford suffered the 1925 remarks pretty much under his byline, did he not?
Knorr, I agree, was too good and ruthless a businessman to risk his religious capital on having a high official discredited in public - even though everybody in any position of insight really knew Franz was behind the 1975, there was at least some deniability.