You've gone through the worst of it, oompa. It will slowly start getting better, with many a setback, but you're going to enjoy life again, believe me. Most of us had to go through the same thing. It's worth it. Believe it.
wife took it pretty well i's over...
by oompa 110 Replies latest jw friends
I read where you think your wife still walks on water......what a sweet thought!!!!!
WTF....I wouldn't give that up for all the tea in CHina.
Hang on.....what goes around comes around. The "Brothers and Sisters" in the Watchtower Society won't ever come close. Paradise is even further away.
I wouldn't rule out a default to you!!!!!!!
Hi Oompa, I am sorry to read what you are going through and wish you the strength needed to get through the next few months which will no doubt be tough.
.i told him i so loved the rule of treating others how you want to be treated and have ALWAYS done that...even allowing myself to be wronged on so many occasions to keep peace......
he said that was a good rule....i agreed and said it was a big one too....and that while i could do it...treat him the way i would like to be treated...HE WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO!.
That is a great comment that you made and I hope it sinks home with your father.
Oompa, did you ever try and get your wife to go to marriage counseling with you? I went and then I got my wife to go with me. She went 2x, I think. She didn't want to participate in the discussions. In fact those two visits caused her to refile for divorce. I guess she looked into the mirror and decided she didn't want to be married to me anymore and I believe she used the apostate thing to wrangle extra support and symathy from everyone at the KH. Of course, the counselor wasn't symapthtic at all about her negative conduct. Some things can't be fixed- good luck.
I may not know you as well as others here as I am new, but let me tell you brother that I once stood where you now do. JC told us (and His Dad) that LOVE was the greatest commandment and that our only obligation was to love one another. NOT JUDGE!!!!! Funny thing, that was the job Jehovah gave to JC and yet SO MANY feel that Jehovah gave THEM that job. My 15 year old son avoids me, but as I was about to reply here, my 11 year old daughter called me ;) . Jehovah lost a third of His children, so I guess I am blessed to still have the love of my 2 daughters. I still hope my son will escape his mothers judgemental attitude unscathed, but like our Heavenly Father, we cannot force it. Even if our families feel that they can shun us into submission. The funny thing about that, I don't remember that part of the Prodigal Son lesson.
Long story short, I am happier for where I am today. I feel NO guilt all day every day and I feel loved multiple times over ;). If you ever want to come up to the Great White North and party with KDWF, I can help ease your pain.
Man I can understand how you feel, even though I was never married to a JW but I have had friends who did and some who still do and I know their pain, so I know yours too. But I want to say that it is not the end of the world and it is not the end of life even though it may feel like it. However there is another life out there just for you, maybe this was planned to be this way maybe not who knows but there is a whole world out there with a whole lot of people who will love you just the same and plenty of other women who will the same.
Be strong my friend time will heal all things and enjoy your life for what we have of it is short and so precious ! You are a precious person as everyone is in their own way. God Bless
isaacaustin...yes they will df me ASAP as i am already reproved....yet never went back to a meeting after the four i attended that opened the door for those idiots to demand i come in...had i not they would have dfd me for apostasy...and they should have and i told them to!!! now as soon as they even think i am lovin some poontang, the ax will fall....and also because i am married to a really nice jw with really nice jw friends...and several work for it will be "TAKE THAT" for not really showing repentance...esp since two days after the five hour elder meeting i told my old best friend elder "no i will not be there for the letter being read and i will never attend another fukkin meeting in my life!...are you crazy?!?!" pretty much a done deal
Moshe...funny...she went with me twice to the first counselor after begging her and finding a lady who used to employ a witness and had no prejudice...then i went five times alone...she could not move at all so could not find common ground which is what the goal of counselors is...then she heard the same type info from a second counselor, and both felt we had a nearly hopless situation since neither of us was willing or perhaps able to change........and thank you so much kdwf...................oompa
and could have heard a pin drop after i said that to my was spontaneous, not planned and as you can imagine i was very passionate throughout that meeting with my mom visted me and we shared a long long tight hug...i have not heard from dad....oompa
Hey Oompa,
Just so you know- I haven't heard from my dad in over 10 years, and I love him still.
Of course, we spread his ashes about 10 years ago, so I don't expect to hear from him any time soon. (Just trying to make you smile - For the record, My old man would have gotten a kick out of that comment ;) )
lmao...i needed that...first the pain of ten years without hearing...then the punch kind of humor!!!......oomps