JW mother makes sick video.....comments please.
by koolaid-man 44 Replies latest jw friends
Hmmm, to each his/her own I suppose. I do have a question to ask though for all of the witnesses. If you all rail against Christians who wear crosses around their necks because you insist that Jesus is alive and should not be displaying His symbol of death, why show a child a picture of Him on that torture stake?
Don't forget to bookmark the page where Jesus is being tortured to death. Lets find a lovely picture of a baby about to be cut in half.
Brainwashing starts young in the JW's.
Garyneal I can't answer your question, but my kids were given access to that book from birth - I now think about that and cringe with disgust with myself.
And yet this mother wouldn't let her child watch a movie where someone was being tortured, would she?
This is so sick!! I am feeling nausous. Children are children such a short time. Since their little minds are so vivid and innocent, "any" religion showing a picture or discussion of torture and babies getting cut in half is so awful and cruel. When they are young is the time to have discussions and pictures of positive, loving, joyful and beautiful things. Much, much later they can learn of more difficult things.
Tear out every picture in there of either a dead body, a scene of violence, or impending violence and you have about 10 pages left...
When I used this book to teach Bible stories to my children, I always dreaded coming to the stories about violence and bloodshed. It always seemed inconsistent to be taught that violence is bad and then teach children that violence is ok in various situations.
the real life
Ahhhh!!! So disturbing.
The poor kid looked horrified, yet obligated to trust their guardians opinion that it was okay....I see a bit of me in there ugh.
Edit: It also bothered me as a kid god killed babies in the flood. That and I almost er....dropped a brick when I discovered that my mom beleived all these things actually happened just that way. I thought it was stories with morals like fairy tales
diana netherton
Who the heck IS this woman anyway?? I've never seen any more blatant endoctrination in my life!!!!