How Many Elders Are Here?
I don’t know if this topic has been posted before. But after realizing that I sort of “resurrected” an old post from OUTOFTHEBOX, I thought of starting a new one with the topic above.
How many “elders” (or MS on their way to being appointed) are here in this forum?
It will be interesting to find out.
P.S just in case you were wondering TJlibre stands for Testigo De Jehova Libre or a free Jehovah’s Witness. The reason why I chose that “name” is thatI’m still in the religion, but I’m slowly and steadily regaining my independence of thoughts and actions and have not surrendered completely to the WT Org.
However, I’m fully aware that it’s only a matter of time before a CO or another elder realize my agenda and/or I face my own crisis of conscience (no pun intended) and leave either by fading, DA or being DF.