SCHOLAR: Zechariah's 'seventy years' ended with the return of the Jews under Zerubbabel in 537 BCE.
ZECHARIAH: In the second year of Darius … you have been angry with these seventy years?” (Zech 1:7, 12). In the fourth year of King Darius … for so many years? … for the past seventy years. (Zech 7:1, 3, 5, NIV)
SCHOLAR: Judah's punishment ended after seventy years with the Return from Exile in 537 BCE.
DOUG: There is no statement in Scripture that says the 70 Years ended when Jews returned. And the WTS does not end the Seventy Years with the Return, but several months later when people met at the Temple site.
SCHOLAR: [Babylon's Fall is] astronomically fixed as a sound basis of acceptance.
DOUG: What astronomical record? Since when has the WTS accepted astronomical evidence?
SCHOLAR: [Jerusalem] could also represent not only its people but the country in which it was located namely Judah and so what befell the city also affected the people and the territory of Judah.
DOUG: This ignores the tensions between the urban residents and the country farmers. And are you really saying that it only needed Jerusalem to be devoid of people, because what happened to the city was representative of the whole land?
SCHOLAR: It is foolish to equate the date and event of the Fall of Jerusalem with the event and date for the Fall of Babylon.
DOUG: Why is it foolish? The date for Babylon’s Fall and the date for Jerusalem’s fall are calculated from the same data.
SCHOLAR: You let me know whether it is 586 or 587 BCE and I will see what I can do for you.
DOUG: Firstly, it is not an issue whether 587 or 586 is correct, since I do not hang my faith on any dating system. The problem is for the WTS to prove that its date is correct, not that mine is incorrect. Nevertheless, I provide you with:
SCHOLAR: I have a personal copy of the DOTHB and fully appreciate historiography and history as related to the Bible and I believe that such matters have a direct bearing on chronology and theology. ... In short, one finds that in historiography and history with its development of theology provides a 'ground' for WT Bible chronology.
DOUG: For those who do not have ready access to the article that Scholar and I are talking about, I have provided an OCR scan at:
SCHOLAR: Ezra wrote the book of Chronicles.
DOUG: Wrong. Ezra did not write it, so you need to remove Ezra from your list. Then you need to explain the “70 years” at 2 Chronicles in the terms of historiography, which you understand.
SCHOLAR: Jeremiah is not specific about a precise event or date for that prophecy to begin.
DOUG: I agree with you, Jeremiah is not specific about what even started the Seventy Years.That’s the problem for the WTS. It does not matter for me, since my faith does not hinge on dates.
SCHOLAR: The removal of humans and animals from the land as punishment was for the period of seventy years (607 -537BCE).
DOUG: There was no need for all people and every domestic animal to be removed from the whole of Judah. Archaeology shows this never happened. Historiography again.
SCHOLAR: Exile-servitude-desolation describes Babylon's fate which began after Judah's punishment had ended and it could be argued that it began with the Fall of the city in 539 BCE.
DOUG: Your “exile-servitude-desolation” of Babylon did not require either the city or the country to be devoid of humans and their domestic animals. And that certainly did not happen in 539 BCE.