We read that “near the close of the 1st cent., Clement bishop of Rome was acquainted with Paul’s letter to the church at Corinth. After him, the letters of both Ignatius bishop of Antioch and Polycarp bishop of Smyrna attest the dissemination of the Pauline letters by the second decade of the 2nd century.”
Thanks for posting that Satanus. I read the part of the encyclopedia and at 90ce they were putting together the Pauline letters. When they did this, they were missing 3 of Pauls's letters and didn't have the rest of the new testament Books.
It also states that in encyclopedia a few pages after there quote that Eusebius who was born in the year 265 did an investigation and at that time the books that belonged in the Canon were still being disputed... It also stated that it was the Churches who decided what books would and would not be a part of the bible...