Better to be diassociated, disfellowshipped than be an active paedophile protected by the congregations and the wbts, and when the end comes, that will be the telling point. For just as jesus spoke in his parables, he spoke of the tax collector, who standing at a distance couldnt lift his eyes, yet asked for mercy for he knew he was a sinner, and then those, proud and vain, when the end comes say "Lord, Lord...didnt we do this and that....."?, but christ will declare he doesnt know them. And remember, these verses are not directed at christendom as the wbts teaches, but it is directed at Gods people. Even Paul said if we do a multitude of things, and yet have no love, of what benefit is it to us?
So, these men take personal pleasure in mens suffering, thats why christ say they put burdens on the shoulders of many, burdens which they themselves are not willing to carry, and Jesus even said they paid attention to every nook and cranny of the laws, especially the ones they had invoked in exchange for Gods ones, which were not burdensome (Gods laws that is), and jesus said they forgot the whole spirit of the law, thats why he asked them to find out what mercy and sacrafice meant.
So, we can see they dont live according to Gods law, they dont even preach or teach according to accurate knowledge, and now couples, even families, are not allowed to hold hands in the congregations, so where does all this junk come from? certainly not Gods word thats for sure. It looks like they are trying to destroy individuality and the family unit. So, how far will it go my friends before people waken up?
I feel for all of you hurt by these people, and all of you have been hurt deeply in many ways.
Shame on wbts and their false shepherds.