Too young for the orchestra memories, but we had a piano at the Khall I spent most of my time at. There were a couple of people that actually played fairly well and it was much more enjoyable than the cassettes.
Who remembers the Circuit Orchestra's? How good was yours?
by eyeslice 26 Replies latest jw friends
I spent 2 years playing in the orchestra at the assembly. I played the violin. I hated it.
I am old enough to remember the Circuit Orchestra. I thought it was great.
Me too Percy Faith lead the one in Montreal after he became a JW
Any one remember Percy Faith??? -
I used to be one of the piano players at the circuit assembly. All the members of the orchestra would get together the Sunday night before the assembly to practice. It didn't take much as we all had plenty of skills, and I think we were pretty good. Then the CO said we would have to get rid of the orchestra because it was taking too much time that could be used for theocratic activities. So what else were we supposed to be doing on a Sunday evening?
Jwoods, yes I posted earlier that we had an orchestra in the last cong I belonged to in which I played the piano. But that was only at the meetings not at assemblies. I think that still exists in some cong but it took a lot of time praciting etc.
I also remember the orchestras at the assemblies and I think that was great!
Cantleave - "I remember those, I knew two members of the orchester very well, both extremely accomplished musicians (A guy Called Jim Burgess who played Bassoon and another Guy called Bev Wood who played violin)."
I played in that same orchestra. It was good - all to a very high standard (even though I say it myself). Bev was a classically trained concert violinist - his mum, Hazel, used to play with us as well, she was nearly as good as her son! I remember Jim introducing himself to me - "Hi, I'm JB - a baffoonist!" - nice guy. I must admit it was so enjoyable, allowing us to use our god-given abilities to entertain others, then it stopped. What a waste! So much talent - SCRAPPED! The more I think about this contextually, those that stopped it were really slapping god in the face!
After 35+ plus I'm back playing again (high brass) but it's a stuggle..... it always come back to me, what a complete waste of my abilities. Boy, does it hurt me - so much wasted talent (not mine, but all those that will never be allowed to develop). High minded arrogance of a religion!
Another thing that bugged me....... how come they used 'professional' musicians to record the cassettes whatever? Thsoe people must have been allowed to develop and yet the GB wanted to stifle and suppress their own! Grrrrrr! double Grrrr!
I was in those orchestras. They ended just about the time recordings of the "kingdom" songs came out. We were given the reason mentioned above, taking up too much time from "field service."
*** jv chap. 16 p. 241 Meetings for Worship, Instruction, and Encouragement ***
1966: "Singing and Accompanying Yourselves With Music in Your Hearts"(119 songs covering every aspect of Christian living and worship. Music known to have originated with secular or false-religious sources was deleted. Orchestral recordings of the entire book were made and were extensively used as accompaniment in congregation meetings. Some vocal selections were also recorded. Starting in 1980, recordings of orchestral arrangements of "Kingdom Melodies" were produced so that at home individuals could enjoy music that would be upbuilding)
Here's the Question Box that ended live music in the KH and conventions/assemblies in my area.
*** km 11/76 p. 8 Question Box ***
Is it proper that the body of elders arrange for musical accompaniment for congregational singing other than using the Society’s recordings?
This is a matter for decision by the body of elders. Accompaniment for singing does help the congregation to sing well. Some congregations may not have record players to use in playing the Society’s recordings. Where qualified persons with musical talent are available, many congregations prefer to have piano or other instrumental accompaniment. It would not be good to try to use someone who does not really know how to play an instrument well.
When recordings are used, care should be used to replace worn-out or damaged records, thus maintaining the high standard of the meetings that should be found in the congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses.