I'm not making FUN of these people by any means...whatever they deal with personally MAY be a 'temptation' to them. But to me, it's not and never was realistic. Come on....give me a gorgeous sister that men DROOL over, and how she says 'no' to them and keeps it movin in Jehovah's direction till she finds a nice brother to marry or whatever. Show me a FINE brother (brotha????) up there that has women throwing themselves at him, but he is NOT arrogant and loves Jehovah - so he is 'nice' to everyone but doesn't get tempted by the 'booty'! LOL!!! Better yet, put a couple on there that admit at times they couldn't STAND each other...he cheated/she cheated....they beat their kids - whatever. Just make it REAL. Shoot, they wouldn't want ME up there 'keepin it real' - hahahahahahaha.
John Doe - I like the 'dark' meat on the bird (it's juicier!!! hehehehe)...so I was interested in brothas!
AllTImeJeff - Literally been to assemblies ALL OVER...and I swear, every one has that SAME experience. Some plain lookin sister that when you see her in the hallway during lunch you wouldn't even give a 2nd look let alone a 1st - telling how she 'stands up for what's right'. PLEASE!! If that is the best they can come up with...well...I have nothing to say. If I WAS at your assembly, you couldn't miss me. I would've been the one rollin my eyes and shaking my head thinking to myself WTF?