All JWs gossip in the worst form, what else have they got to in miserable lives?
Ever been the victim of gossip from JW's?
by highdose 35 Replies latest jw experiences
"...with the women being powerless, this is one way they could use some sort of power and be "better" than another. The power structure inside that organization was ripe for passive aggressive power by the women. I think its the only way some very intelligent women didn't go crazy. Unfortunate, unhealthy, but understandable."
Good analysis. I have to say , though , that the worse gossips I know are the elders. I've lost count of the number of times at elders meetings or in groups of 2 or 3 on the ministry or at the KH that the elders just used to prattle on about the supposed failings of brothers & sisters. Of course , they can do in under the guise of "knowing the flock" or dealing with congregation problems. But it often was just idle gossip - on numerous occasions I just changed the subject or terminated the conversation when an elder started to complain about his pet peeve about a brother.
I was a victum because I believe that most elders (who we were forced as teenagers by our parents to talk to when we get into "trouble") are pathetic and try to sound important by going home and telling their wives, and who knows who else, everything about everyone's buisess. What else would they talk about? It is not like they have lives, or anything exciting happen ever.
Only when I attend a meeting.
I can't say for sure that I have been a victim of gossip, being outside the group other than having married one of them. But that wouldn't surprise me a bit. The Ex certainly brought plenty of gossip home and told me, as if I should be interested in who got PUBLIC REPROOF last week. Public reproof: such fertile soil for the congregation busy-bodies!
Considering how often I saw her and other Witnesses talk nicely to somebody's face then smear them behind their back, I wouldn't be at all surprised if I was the target of gossip, especially when word got out that we were separating. Tough luck, tongue wagging finger pointers: I did nothing to give her "scriptural grounds" for the divorce, so you're not going to find anything worth talking about.
No Longer Held Captive
Joke for you
A ruba dub dub has joined the ranks of the borg and God notices him, keeps watch, and then notices his progress, and asks him, "what would you like"? The dub replies, "well, maybe pioneer and a Ministerial servantship". God says "ok". H e makes more progress, and God speaks to him again asking him, and he becomes an elder, then PO, then a CO. Not happy with all these so called advancements and priviliges given to him, God asks him why he isnt happy, and he replies, "because I really wnat to know what goes on in the congregations". The next morning he woke up, he was a sister.