Yes. In 1992 a girl I knew got pregnant at 13 and only then did the truth come out about whose baby it was. It was her sisters husband (an MS) who was abusing her. Apparently it had been going on since she was about 8. No-one had a clue. When her parents told the elders, they tried to keep it quiet, as they didn't want any media surrounding it. The parents were fuming, understandably but listened to the elders, and nothing was done.
He and his wife moved to another state with their young daughter, and went on to have another baby. To this day, neither he or the girls sister have any contact with the family. I can't believe that her sister took his side, after abusing that poor girl for 5yrs! He also retained his good standing within the congregation, and remained an MS. Sickening!
The girl had the baby. She was still 13 when he was born. A baby having a baby. She married at 18, had 2 more children and then divorced from her husband after he cheated on her. As far as I know, she's still a witness, as are her children.