The ideal JW Brother is....

by highdose 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • highdose

    again please fill in the blanks...

    In my experiance, a window cleaner, skinny to the point of skin and bones, no real education but belives that everything he tells you is true if it comes from the borg, views the sisters as toliet cleaning minons and gets a real kick out of climbing the JW rank ladder!

  • finallysomepride

    I know those same people from my old congregations, oh so familiar.

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    Has whatever kind of low paying job. In case he somehow manages to get a high paying job (even if deosnt have to work any extra hours), he is supposed to quit it, and to look for some much lees paying, no matter he has to work weekends and nights.

    And as a reward he will be able to give an interview at next circuit assembly how he puts spiritual things first. And that is worth it right?

    You thing it doesnt make sense??? Well did you ever try to brainwash and mind control several million of succesfull ad selfconfident people? Cmon.. give me a break, all you really need is to push their selfconfidence down.... then sqeez it ... and crush it .... and tear it apart yeeeeaasss now its much more easy.....

    If you need to know anything, just ask Albert!

  • wantstoleave

    ....hard to find.....

    That's my

  • AwSnap

    This is what I used to go for. Of course, the mysterious eyes that I saw in the beginning would turn out to be bipolar eyes. The hair product came from Eckards....he got a good deal since he cleaned their floors every week. The suit cost a pretty penny, but he wouldn't waist his money on a soda when in public (he'd rather get the good deals on the 12 packs). After the assemblies, he preferred Ryan's Steakhouse over Outback. Everything had to be a bargain.

  • WTWizard

    They would want to stay celibate so they could go through the Value Destroyer Training School, take all billion assignments, successfully get Critical Mass using methods that others have failed to get results with (and succeeding this time), and then humbly accepting the Second Dark Ages.

  • brainwashed-from-birth

    MY DAD. Elder, pioneer, devoted father and husband. Follows all the rules to a TEE to make sure he is a happy fulfilled servant of Jehovah and looks good among his peers. Even the disowning of his oldest daughter.

    Yet he never sleeps, gets so depressed that he locks himself in his room, has to take several brain meds a day just to function, and secretly watches non-rated (basically Xrated) movies. (I unfortunatly found out while working at Blockbuster after I moved out)

    So I guess the ideal JW Brother wears a pretty good MASK.

  • Elsewhere
  • AllTimeJeff
    In my experiance, a window cleaner, skinny to the point of skin and bones, no real education but belives that everything he tells you is true if it comes from the borg, views the sisters as toliet cleaning minons and gets a real kick out of climbing the JW rank ladder!

    Did you follow me around highdose?

    Yup, I was the enemy.... or an indoctrinated borgbot, whatever. I sure was considered "hot", because the WT said so....

  • blondie

    Baptized and breathing. (called a B&B brother)

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