Seriously, PO needs to be told to call WTS Legal Department (or you could report the PO to WTS Legal). This "tactic" of the POs could get the WTS in alot of $$$$$ mess. Courts in California have already ruled that a religion can't lie to newbies about the identity of the religion. Case dealt with Moonies.
PO says: "Don't say you are a JW, tell them you are with an educational foundation if they ask"
by MinisterAmos 29 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Stay home and say five Hail Franzes
LOL at Minister Amos!
When I became a JW in the early 1970's we were told to introduce ourselves as "Christian ministers."
And when the Angel of Death comes kicking in my door at Armageddon, to bash open my head, will he identify himself then?
"Hi, I'm on an educational mission. Would you be so kind to bend over while I cut off your head"
My opening line at the door was Good Morning I'm a Jehovah's Witness To which they would usually respond " not interested" Unfortunately I would occasionally get a householder that was not put-off, so then I had to think of something to say...bummer
That's what I used to do, shit, pissed me off when I had to get into a conversion, but that was along time ago now phew 28 years in fact.
I remember back when I was active, we went from starting our presentation with, "Hello, my name is undercover and I'm one of Jehovah's Dumbasses Witnesses" to, "Hello, I'm a concerned neighbor that wanted to share hope for these troubled times from the Bible [by trying to sell you this magazine].
For an organization that wants to make God's [supposed] name known, it sure does seem counter-productive to hide your identity when knocking on doors. That's because it's not about making the Hebrew God's name known throughout the's about selling books and magazines. Since the product name over time has become ridiculed and snickered at, management changed the sales tactic from the direct approach to the bait and switch method.
Amber Rose
finallysomepride - Yep, that's what I'd do too, and a certain popular cartoon
In these introductions from the Reasoning book, not once does it say to identify yourself as a jw:
Hello. I’m making just a brief call to share an important message with you
We’re talking to our neighbors about where to find practical help to cope with problems of life
‘I’m glad to find you at home. I’m sharing with my neighbors an encouraging thought from the Bible (or, the Holy Scriptures).
‘We’re encouraging folks to read their Bible.
We’re making just a brief visit on our neighbors today
‘My name is ——. I live in the neighborhood
‘Good evening. My name is ——. I’m a neighbor from (name street or area).
‘We’ve been talking with your neighbors about
‘We are sharing with our neighbors a thought about
‘We’re talking to folks who are interested in how we can better cope with the problems of family life
‘Good morning. How are you? . . . We’re endeavoring to share with our neighbors a positive view of the future
Hello. My name is ——. What’s yours?
‘I’m calling to offer you a free home Bible course
‘We are showing this Bible study aid to our neighbors
‘Have you ever wondered
‘In speaking with my neighbors
‘We are asking our neighbors a question
‘I’m discussing with my neighbors an issue that we all must face:
‘We’re visiting our neighbors to find people
‘Today we are asking our neighbors
‘We’re speaking with people who are truly concerned about the quality of life today
‘My name is ——. I’m one of your neighbors. I’m making just a brief visit to talk with my neighbors
Good morning. We are visiting all the families on your block (or, in this area
‘Hello. We’re visiting everyone in this neighborhood with an important message
Greetings. My name is ——
In the Moonie case, the new recruit specifically asked several times if the group was the "Moonies" which they denied it.
I knew of someone who, on purpose, asked every householder, "What do you think of Jehovah's Witnesses." If they had a negative answer, he knew where they were coming from and really didn't bother wasting his time.
White Dove
I remember being told not to say right off that I was a JW at the door. Did they make a new rule or something about service bags? I've only seen see-through plastic folders with literature in it and a Bible in the hand but no bookbag. What's going on with that?