lol frozen one, contrary to what men think, driving bentleys does not make fat unattractive old mem sexy. - but it gives them the confidence to try it on with women who just arent interested lol. I had a guy hit on me the other week with an Aston Martin Vanquish S and we were all in and he tried to kiss me, well I can only say he lunged in and it felt like a dog had licked my face. Ugh I said thats not how you kiss someone, - he sulked for the rest of the evening, I think he thought because he had the car he didnt need to work on anything else hehe.
a guy piched my backside in a pub last week. I spun round and said what the hell do you think you are doing? in fact I got a bit agressive, I said, keep your hands to yourself and dont ever touch me again. he stammered er er er and then shouted F*** off really loud in my face, but nonetheless he went away and didnt bother me again.
once I went on a date with this man and it was online dating, when i met he had white hair unlike his photo, was short fat and 15 years older than he claimed. amused I dined with him, but within 5 mins of sitting down he said 'I really want to see you again' and I thought I bet you do you lecherous old pervert, hehe, he kept trying to take my hands until I said, will you just not touch me its making me feel uncomfortable.. I think the evening kind of went downill from there. .
as for the what is it with women... I guess we arent witness women, submissive and towing the line, we can hold our own, - wow we can even get the same education and rates of pay. - and some men just don't like that.. but hey thats how it is on the other side :D