Are there those who "ridicule" the message? Maybe that's because it's ridiculous? Well, laughable at least.
You reasonaing is laughable. Pitiful would probably be a more apt description. Here's why:
The world is constantly changing. Who is debating that? It is a simple fact.The reasoning of the ridiculer, even as reflected in your post, is that the present changes are not as a result of any presence of Christ.
More people have died the 20th century from war than in... yada yada yada. Well, don't you expect this to happen? There are more people nowadays then ever before.Population density relative to war casualties has no bearing on prophecy. True, the Watchtower has at times cited the horrific death toll of WWI as a means of hightlighting the significance of it, but Jesus' prophecy said nothing about body counts of population ratios. He merely foretold that nation would rise against nation as one aspect of the over all sign that would indicate his presence. So your reasoning is totally specious.
A average young man of 20 in today's world is far less likely to be called into military duty and subsequently die on the battlefield than the world of 100, 200, etc... years ago. Also because there are more people than ever before, allowing relatively smaller military resources.True. Of course none of that has anything to do with prophecy either. Jesus said nothing about the size of armies. Of course, one of the leading causes of death in young men today, particularly in Africa, is the spread of AIDS, which Jesus also foretold that pestilence would be antoher aspect of the sign. So, again, you are merely deluding yourself with what you probably imagine is sound reasoning.
The message of doom is laughable because it attempts to absolve the speaker of responsibility for the future outcome!Your reasoning here is laughable. Pointing out the futility of human rulership does not absolve anyone of responsibility. Our message makes the world more accountable to God, not less so.
For what reason do we have prophets 'communicating with God' if they bring back to the table problems instead of solutions?! A little optimism goes a long way, especially if you're in cahoots with God.You simply regect Jehovah's solution as unacceptable, while accepting the problems as a neccesary evil to getting on in the world. Your type of attitude is the main problem in the world.
It is clearly the pessimistic doomsayer that yearns to 'live in a world that continues on as in the past'.That doesn't even make sense. You are borderline raving. Those who love God, and life, and mankind, desperately yearn for God to fulfill his promise of a New World. How is that yearning to live in the past? To a worldling who loves this system of things, anyone who points out the obvious terminal nature of mankind's stupidity and greed is a pessimist. / You Know