help me out here I am confused. - of course the internet is free for all and everyone has a right to their say, I appreciate that, and I am also aware that there are a lot of people who dont believe particulatly but do not want to rock the boat of their life - its easier to just take a backseat (though in my experience that made me ill in the end)
but I have noticed as I read, that there are some advocates for the organization who are active, practicing and believe it fully.
I was a JW for 25 years and in that time, bad association was mentioned constantly and then especially in the last ten years, the dangers of the internet and the warnings to witnesses not to surf or interact with websites that had an affiliation with JWs unless it was the official watchtower.borg site.
now, correct me if I am wrong, but if people are active, practicing and believe it fully, then why would they associate with DFd and DAd people on these forums? - by its very nature it seems contrary and therefore in my eyes invalidates every point they have to make, because my only reply would be.. if you practice and believe you wouldnt be looking at this site.
I am genuinely asking this, not having a dig.