What about posters who are active and agree with the org?

by creativhoney 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • creativhoney

    help me out here I am confused. - of course the internet is free for all and everyone has a right to their say, I appreciate that, and I am also aware that there are a lot of people who dont believe particulatly but do not want to rock the boat of their life - its easier to just take a backseat (though in my experience that made me ill in the end)

    but I have noticed as I read, that there are some advocates for the organization who are active, practicing and believe it fully.

    I was a JW for 25 years and in that time, bad association was mentioned constantly and then especially in the last ten years, the dangers of the internet and the warnings to witnesses not to surf or interact with websites that had an affiliation with JWs unless it was the official watchtower.borg site.

    now, correct me if I am wrong, but if people are active, practicing and believe it fully, then why would they associate with DFd and DAd people on these forums? - by its very nature it seems contrary and therefore in my eyes invalidates every point they have to make, because my only reply would be.. if you practice and believe you wouldnt be looking at this site.

    I am genuinely asking this, not having a dig.

  • zombie dub
    zombie dub

    the problem here is, you are trying to use logic to understand it.

  • isaacaustin

    We have had some posters who made this claim, perhaps claiming to be a pioneer, perhaps stating there cong is aware they post here, etc...logic and reality belies these claims...

    There are some here who do serve but are stuck in the org, or working to change from within....so not in agreement with the org.

  • creativhoney

    yes zombie. you have hit the nail on the head I suppose. its like two logics from different dimensions.

    and Isaac, I know that - I fully appreciate that some are here stuck or working within - but I didnt mean those people. (though tell them to get out its more fun) :D x

  • undercover

    A. They're counting the time for their service report.

    B. They're a little "off".

    C. In their own way they're rebelling against the oppressiveness of the ruling body. They're still indoctrinated enough to defend it and believe most of it, but bit by bit, they're starting to realize that not is all what it seems. They want to find the good in it, while admitting they have questions and doubts even. They can't discuss the doubts and questions in an open way with fellow believers so they search out where they can be open.

    I personally like to see those of the C variety. They're on their way to freedom, if they keep looking and asking, willing to study both sides and admit the errors when they learn them.

  • jookbeard

    the R&F Dubs are becoming incredibly worldly these days, countless are double lifers, abuse drugs/alcohol, engage in affairs etc, but still hold firm and loyal to the teachings of the WTS except that they do not like to preached to and make decisions that are matters of their conscience. There is a small percentage that also count time here constantly regurgitating the WTS teachings, also there are many lurkers or posters who post very rarely who are curious or have serious doubts but have not made the full decision to quit the WTS , there is a real cross match of people who come here, and the more the better.

  • Finally-Free
    but if people are active, practicing and believe it fully, then why would they associate with DFd and DAd people on these forums?

    We often bring this to the attention of JW apologists when they come, especially since the org they believe in opposes their coming to sites like this one. They usually evade such questions or come up with some excuse that's too lame to remember, hence my inability to remember them.

    Others may have varying degrees of belief in the WT, and some attend meetings so they won't lose their families, hoping to get them out over time.


  • creativhoney

    the kind of people that would ignore you in the kingdom hall and speak to you on here. lol. charming. yes I agree room for all, and I suppose everything they read can be a seed planted so in that way its a good thing,

    they always tell you if you look at stuff like this you will be pulled away, or if you get an education or mix with worldlys etc - and thats because largely its true, for the simple reason that you start to see cracks

    its like the old adage, can you put a rowntrees fruit pastel in your mouth without chewing it?


  • parakeet

    Most of the JW "apologists" that come here are not dubs anymore. They may be DFed and trying to get back in, or inactive but still "believers."

    I can remember only a few of the latest apologists' reasons for coming here -- one said she would "answer to Jehovah" for participating here, whatever that meant. Another said he wasn't currently "an official JW practitioner," whatever that meant.

    The point has been made here many times that the most ferocious defenders of dubdom turn out to be ex-dubs.

    Strange but true.

  • minimus

    These types basically are "different, odd, a bit independent" by Watchtower criteria. But THEY forgive the Watchtower for this and do not allow the Organization's rants to get in their way.

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