I couldn't help it! I'm out there now about it! A new 'apostate'.
According to dictionary...
toward the Jehovah's Witnesses.
Shewww... It feels good. Weird I never thought I'd say that.
As far as my belief system... I realize they are still going to be based on my up bringing as a Jehovah's Witness (morals included) so I call myself a Chirstian.
{Gees it feels like I just hopped over the fence or something in the movie "Village" haha}
((I love my JW family and old friends, I know if they stay strong they will die with peace in mind, as for me I feel good with how things are going, love and peace be with them, it's on them as far as conscience goes I respect their beleifs and they respect mine))
To the people on here,
Thank you so much!!