Has anyone interested in this for this year?
Secret Santa 2009?
by Lady Lee 90 Replies latest jw friends
Now this is where I wanted to post. Not yet but we want to participate.
Lady Lee
well we need to get on the ball then because everyone should have their giftees names and addresses by the end of the month.
Angharad has done it the past couple of years but I am willing to take it on this year.
For those that are new we have done a Secret Santa gift exchange for the last few years.
- For those who want to join in please post to this thread just letting me know who is interested.will post to this thread and then PM me your name and address (which will be held in confidence only to be given to the one person who is matched as your Secret Santa. If you want to get a gift you need to be on the list to give a gift.
- I will then collate the names and addresses and assign everyone a person to buy a gift for.
- So everyone sends one gift and everyone receives one gift. You will not know who your gift is from until you get it or open it!
- We usually set a limit of $15 for gifts
- You will receive your name of who to buy for by the end of November so that you have time to shop and post it off in time for Christmas.
So if you are in let me know.
troubled mind
Yes ,I love doing this ...count me in !
Lady Lee
I'd love to try it. First time ever!
Lady Lee
crapola exactly right
I'm in. May I suggest that people who participate also send gift suggestions to you with their contact info? It would make it easier to shop.
I'm in.
Lady Lee
In a couple of weeks I will post a thread for people to let others know what they like. - favorite colors, favorite things, preferred kinds of gifts - new ornament for a tree, books, something from where the giver lives etc