There is no such thing as 'the missing link'. That's an outdated idea from the 19th century that has about as much relevance today as the idea that you might fall of the edge of the Earth if you walk far enough. Stop reading creationist propaganda & find yourself a SCIENCE book.
Evolutionists - please help!
by Georgiegirl 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Deputy Dog
Did you read the whole article?
Deputy Dog
There is no such thing as 'the missing link'. That's an outdated idea from the 19th century that has about as much relevance today as the idea that you might fall of the edge of the Earth if you walk far enough. Stop reading creationist propaganda & find yourself a SCIENCE book.
Yea, those darn "creationist at the History Channel should stop doing that.
In the spirit of examining both sides of the issue, I also recommend watching Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed which I was able to finally download for free using Emule. Check out the New York Times review here.
Hey, DD, I used to be a Creationist myself. I've read Behe's book Darwin's Black Box (1996 edition), among other publications supporting Creationism of one sort or another. I support an honest examination of all points of view. Would you do the same?
Psychotic Parrot
Missing link - It's a calloquial term that people can relate to. It's not at all scientific though. The history channel is viewing for amateurs (and people who aren't very bright), not the scientifically literate. I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve here. Showing examples of scientists dumbing things down for the average guy on the street does nothing to strenghten any anti-scientific case. If you really think that evolution is a big conspiracy then you're a deluded moron.
Deputy Dog
I honestly support an honest examination of all points of view. Would you do the same?
You see, that's the problem "honesty". I would suggest that Georgiegirl take her time, because there are frauds on both sides, not to mention honest mistakes. I don't think it's really possible to do an "honest examination" on a furom like this.
Deputy Dog
If you really think that evolution is a big conspiracy then you're a deluded moron.
There you go. You make an ass of yourself and blame me for it.
Do you see the problem? Emotions on this issue run so high, honesty is practicly impossible.
Psychotic Parrot
How did i make an ass or myself? I told you to stop reading bullshit & stop getting hung up over the fact that even scientists dumb things down for idiots like yourself & that's making an ass of myself? Fuck off.
Honesty is the one thing you can't stand.