I just saw in the REvelation book, that Revelation is also not addressed directly to the Great Crowd. HOLY COW!! Is there any Scripture at all that the Great Crowd can claim as its very own??
Revelation isn't for the "Great Crowd" either?? sheesh!
by AuntBee 13 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
on what page do they write that?
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
"Is there any Scripture at all that the Great Crowd can claim as its very own??"
Yeah, this one...
Matthew 9:36 - On seeing the great crowd he felt pity for them, because they were skinned and thrown about like other sheep without a shepherd.
You always have the right scripture, Billy!
I just saw in the REvelation book, that Revelation is also not addressed directly to the Great Crowd. HOLY COW!! Is there any Scripture at all that the Great Crowd can claim as its very own??
No, because according to the Watchtower scripture is all for the "anointed" , the "Great Crowd" get a secondary lesser meaning.
The WTS has stated that the NT (Christian Greek Scriptures) was written for the anointed...Revelation is part of the NT.
great crowd get through by association with the 144 000
blondie: Thanks!
From JW Facts:
Watchtower 2002 February 1 p. 23
"All of this should impress upon the minds of the other sheep why the Christian Greek Scriptures focus so much attention on Christ and his anointed brothers and their central role in the outworking of Jehovah's purposes. The other sheep therefore consider it a privilege to support in every way possible the anointedslave class while awaiting "the revealing of the sons of God" at Armageddon and during the Millennium."I am still amazed that the avererage jw does not know the entire New Tetstament isn't really for them. Maybe they all secretly think or hope they are of the annointed?
Obviously the WT has never Read 1Timothy 2:1-5.
*shakes head*