You know the standard JW doctrine, Babylon the Great, fall of Jerusalem, kingship of David, Jonah's life you name it, it has to have a "bigger completion" later. Some of these are actually mentioned in the Bible - Jesus being the bigger Jonah, Revelations mentioning the fall of Babylon the Great many years after the actuall Babylon fell, Jerusalem falling to Babylon was just a precursor to Jerusalem falling to the Romans, which was just a precursor to... (what now? meh... is old age creeping upon me? ) etc.
So does history really repeats itself? Did the oriental view of the history being a circle creeped its way into the Bible, or there is really something to it? Or let me put it this way: what was first, the idea of Babylon the Great in God's head and He directed the world to make a smaller completion of that idea, or He saw the history of man and thought "neato, I'll make things similar later at Armageddon"? Either way it seems the history was manipulated. If God's idea was first, then he interfered with mankind just to make a prophetic precursor, if the history happened first, then it seems like God changed His plans to coincide with a bigger completion.
Or this is just my problem of viewing things, and history actually provides so many parallels that one can pick any event in history and find a "bigger completion" later? But this is again the oriental circle of history... (sorry 'bout my ramblings)