Satan is not that smart, is he?

by dgp 35 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • DrJohnStMark

    PSacramento: I mean he certainly isn't a nice guy in Job is he?

    I cite my first statement in this thread: The Bible is written by Jehovah, so you can't trust the Bible in this issue. Also, we know for sure that Jehovah has mispresented things elsewhere in the Bible, for example exaggerating his role on things described on the very first page...

  • PSacramento

    I cite my first statement in this thread: The Bible is written by Jehovah, so you can't trust the Bible in this issue. Also, we know for sure that Jehovah has mispresented things elsewhere in the Bible, for example exaggerating his role on things described on the very first page...

    Sure, I understand your point, but is Satan mentioned anywhere else other then the OT and NT and the apocrypha?

    By the way, the bible was written by Men, not by God or his Son, just by men inspired to write what they believed to be "God's words and deeds".

  • parakeet

    PSacramento: The Bible is written by Jehovah.....

    If so, he did a piss-poor PR piece. He needs to hire a professional.

  • DrJohnStMark

    PSacramento: Sure, I understand your point, but is Satan mentioned...

    I think we understand each other. Satan is mentioned in many ancient jewish writings, not just in the Bible. That kind of characters, opposing the good and their god(s), appear in holy texts of other cultures too. Yahweh, however, seems to be more paranoid than most other gods.

    Wonder if someone (at least the WT has sometimes referred to the apparent honesty of authors...) would use this as an argument for the divine inspiration of the Bible? An autobiography by a dictator does look different from his/her biography written by somebody else.

  • glenster

    "a look at this link, please?"

    I looked. The writer rails against an all-beneficent God idea, which is a
    waste of time. If God were all beneficent, we'd all live in heavenly circum-
    stances forever. The possible God concept has to be reconciled with the world
    that includes that we all die, etc., as in Job.

    This news bulletin just in: in response to popular vote, the good Lord has
    decided that everyone can go to Heaven when they die. In accordance with this,
    He's decided to change the name of the place to Hell.

  • dgp

    All right. That's your opinion.

    My opinion is, the article is about how the concept of a devil is just implausible, because it leads to absurd conclusions. As in "Did God create the Devil so he could lead us astray?" If that were true, then God created the Devil, then decided to send his son to save us, then decided to let Satan off, for nobody knows what purpose, since Satan was ultimately defeated anyways, 2000 years ago. If you're a Jehovah's witness, you have to add that YHWH will destroy all the bad guys at Armageddon (that is to say, the ones who were led astray by Satan, that creation of, yes, YHWH), will let the Witnesses prove their worth for a thousand years, then will let Satan off again (so he can destroy the humans YHWH loves that much). Does it seem to make sense? It doesn't seem to make sense to me. By extension, yes, the article is a critique of the idea of whether there is a God, at least the kind of God we've been told God is.

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