Hi, I was a faithful member of the congregation for 40 years. It was only when I actually started taking family study night seriously and actually looked deeply at what I was being taught that I realised that things were not as they seemed. I was so cross with myself that I hadn't previously questioned anything, I didn't even know how many members of the governing body there were.
I read crisis of conscience with an open mind and the biggest surprise was that the GB spent all their time on administrative details such as what was a disfellowshipping matter and did less study than I do. I was also shocked that because of a voting system that required a three quarter majority alot of rubbish decisions stayed as disfellowshipping sins even when most people on the body could see that they were wrong. All I could think of was that families were shunning people based on who turned up to vote on any given day. This was what jolted me out of my complacency.
In the organisation the GB has an air of mystery about it. I once thought they were benevolent old men who spent their days prayerfully studying the Bible, people who cared about the flock. I now know that they are biggoted old men vying for political prominance, despotic and uncaring of the flock. those who are not busy bullying others lack the backbone to stand up to the others. It is no wonder that some bodies of elders display similar qualities, they are reflecting what is the spirit of the organisation.
Perhaps ask your children to do study on the GB, how many members? how old are they? What do they do? Why are some so young? Ask them to look into the organisation they plan to dedicate their lives to. After all the society advises us to take prayerful consideration of all things.