I found this on the Boston Globe website:
. http://www.boston.com/dailyglobe2/003/living/Hairy_situations+.shtml
Hairy situations
By Tina Cassidy, Globe Staff, 1/3/2002
There are those with infamous facial hair: Satan, Hitler, Ho Chi Minh, Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden.
There are those with revolutionary beards: Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, Osama bin Laden.
And religious beards: Christ, Moses, Zeus, Rastafarians, Amish, Sikhs, Jews, Muslims ... and Osama bin Laden.
While statistics show that 90 percent of men shave at least once a day, those who don't choose not to for a reason, conscious or otherwise. That's what Allan Peterkin, a Toronto-based psychiatrist, posits in his new book, ''One Thousand Beards: A Cultural History of Facial Hair.''
''The gesture of changing one's face is simply too powerful to be strictly conscious,'' Peterkin writes. ''The rather scant psychiatric and psychoanalytical literature available on the meanings of facial hair reveals that these decisions are based on notions of sex, death, aggression, rebellion, narcissism, damaged self-esteem, fetishism, and gender anxiety. ... Simply put, beards suggest power, dominance, and virility.''
Historically, beards have been used to distinguish one group from its enemy. And evolutionists believe the beard gives more prominence to the jaw and teeth, all the better for baring those pearly whites in a fight. We won't even get into Freud's theory, which, of course, involves the nether regions of the body and shaving's being akin to castration (Freud had a beard). Then there's the ''gay beard.'' For more on that, you'll have to buy the book.
Beards have also been symbols of ''grief, loss, bereavement, unemployment,'' Peterkin writes - which may explain Drew Bledsoe's scruffy new look. The same could be true for Al Gore's beard - no more close shaves for him.
''I think for most men it's transition,'' Peterkin says, adding that Gore was the perfect example of that. ''Middle-aged, wanting to change careers, wanting to change his public face, and he was a little heavier, so maybe the beard was concealing his jowls.''
So what's next for facial hair?
Trend spotters ''predict a big return of the mustache,'' the author says over the phone from Toronto. ''It's a bit surprising. It hasn't been around since the '70s. These things do cycle. I really can't explain why that would be. In the '70s the mustache took on a smarmy singles application, and it also may have become a gay or bisexual identifier. That's why some think it fell into disfavor.''
But the mustache is already visible in some Gap and Kenneth Cole ads, while college kids have been having mustache-growing contests.
''Often these things start on college campuses,'' Peterkin says. ''And the stubble look is back, but less calculated than the Don Johnson variety.'' It all seems to fit in somehow with the longer, shaggy hair men have been sporting.
What about goatees? They're out. ''Too ubiquitous,'' Peterkin proclaims. ''It's like the middle-aged ponytail.'' And in some club circles, beards have taken on a twist. Kids ''are doing some interesting stuff, like the ancient Syrians and Persians, dyeing it, threading it with beads. They're reinventing the minibeard.''