How do you think the witnesses will explain this one....
by hotchocolate 24 Replies latest watchtower bible,0,1039358.story
How do you think the witnesses will explain this one....
I read an article online today that said scientists may be able to use information from the water to date the universe and that sort of thing. No idea what the witnesses would say, other than 'Jehovah is a magnificent creator, and we will find out so much more once in the new system'.
Water on the moon? Gee, I wonder why God created that...
It's obvious to me, lol...and WHY now? Has it always been there (probably not, as surely we'd have spotted it earlier)? Water being necessay to sustain life, then surely this is a sign that the end is close and God is preparing an overflow for all the soon to be resurrected. Far fetched..? Yep. Would dubs buy it? I think so.
Am I reading too much into this? Witnesses are adamant that we are the only beings in the universe, being on The Planet of God's Footstool and all.
So if God created everything, that means he created water on the moon - doesn't this really blow away the whole shebang?
it leaked there during jehovah's faucet opening in the great flood
actually there is a secret porthole between the bermuda triangle and the moon.
if you stand in the bermuda triangles center you will be sent to the moon
I must be tired, I laughed pretty hard at the bermuda triangle thing.
Actually I'm picturing the new understanding already. All the questions we've had for years about where to dump the overflow once the paradise earth is chockers... Don't you see? All this time God has had a plan in place to start shifting the excess death-defying humans up to the moon.
Problem is how to get them there with only horses and carts. Hmmmm...
God took much of the noachian flood waters and hid them on the moon. THAT'S where the water went. He thought that humans would never find it on the moon's poles.
H2o is an extremely common substance. There are massive amounts of water in interstellar space in nebulas. The gas giants in our solar system alone have enough water to fill our oceans thousands of times over.
Liquid water, however, is very rare. That is what life needs. It can only exist within narrow temperature and pressure ranges. There is no liquid water on the moon.
I think DaCheech is onto something. The image below explains it.
When the flood happend, all that water above the moon (and sun) fell down through the windows. Some of it was bound to stick on the moon.
It's yet another example of science proving what the bible has said all along. I'd better polish my meeting shoes so I can go back.