Burn the Ships, (but off load the ganja first!)
I've changed my mind... Keep marijuana illegal!
by Elsewhere 37 Replies latest jw friends
Elsewhere's a woman?
I wonder what the prices are around the different parts of the US. Someone in Hawaii told me it was around $300 an ounce I think. The last year or so it has sharply risen around here. I remember being able to get weed for about $80 an ounce but now it's around $130 and quarter bags go for around $40; of course there are so many different factors in pricing and the strength and the different connections you have.
Around here middling quality stuff is about $50 for a quarter ounce. That lasts me at least a month. I don't smoke that much. Really good crippie is twice that much.
$150.00 for a half of sparkly bud. About what is shown below. Tip: Handle it gently and no more than neccessary. The crystals fall off and thats the best part. At least that's what I've heard, I've never tried the stuff.
I hear this is best way to smoke it. No waste and doesn't stink up the place
Huge buds. Works for me.
Sparkly buds, sounds like something you'ld want for christmass;) Bet, that's what santa uses.
Burn, do you drink bong water?
Never have.
I think it was Ghandi who drank his own bong water.