"The Oracle's" last comment on my Shawshank thread inspired this. So what is your ALL TIME TOP TEN. For ease, if you like a whole series (Like Godfather 1-3), count them as one
- Tombstone - Val Kilmer as Doc Holiday and Kurt Russel as Wyatt Earp - CLASSIC!!! The best lines and most quotable plus a great story.
- The Godfather (series) I have learned more about business and family from this movie than many could realize
- The Boondock Saints "You guys should be in EVERY major city"
- The Good, The Bad and The Ugly - "When you have to shoot - shoot! Don't talk."
- History of the World Pt 1 - "It's Good to be the King"
- The Count of Monte Cristo (The modern one) - I loved the book, but the movie is awesome
- Vegas Vacation -"Welcome back Mr Popageorgio"
- Payback - "Hubba hubba hubba"
- Back to the Future (series) - Marty McFly gave us some fine entertainment for the 80's and into the 90's
- Snatch - When Bricktop is telling the clumsy criminals how to dispose of a body and then leads them into the plastic lined room, classic.
- anything with The Duke (John Wayne)
- Legends of The Fall (I have felt like Tristian for so many years)
- Any Will Ferrel, Steve Carrel movie and the comedy Adam Sandler ones