Newly Engaged to Be Married ! Posters : Mincan & ChelleChelle !

by flipper 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • feeling good
    feeling good

    Congrats Mincan & ChelleChelle!!

  • chellechelle

    Yeah a really good friend of mine, (also an ex dub but wouldne never come on these forums.. ive told her about it but she doesnt want to.. She doesnt know how she feels about them yet, she just left to be with her man who wasnt a witness) She took the pictures she is a great photographer. she will be taking our wedding photos aswell.

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Congratulations Mincan and chellechelle!

    Wishing you all the best!

    So glad to hear that you are both free from the JW cult! Good for you both!

    Perhaps we'll meet you one day.


    The Oracle

  • chellechelle

    Thankyou everyone I will post again when We get our wedding photos done :)

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Congrats and much happiness to both of you!


  • kwintestal

    When's the wedding? Where? I've got to book the time off work. Hahaha so funny. I don't work. Yay! Good for you two!


  • chellechelle

    Its just going to be a court house wedding. but i am going to get photos done seperately and have a big outdoor thing(reception) in the summer for all the family in friends :)

  • flipper

    CHELLECHELLE- So when is the wedding ? Any dates set yet ? Look forward to hearing when you know. Have fun you young uns

  • flipper

    BTTT, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • asilentone

    Flipper, she said the wedding will occur in the Summer, look at her last post on this thread.

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