Anyone see the recent CNN special on Jonestown? It really bothered me, particularly when listening to the survivors talk about the amount of control exerted over them; they were afraid, terrified, couldn't just walk away, family members were snitching on each other, families were split up in the end, tugged out of arms, they were well dressed seemingly happy people who were clapping and cheering until you looked in their eyes.
The similarities with the JWs isstaggering. Jones preached obedience, obedience, obedience. They poisoned 300 of the children with cyanide convinced that death was better than the evil authorities that were coming to get them, and paratroop out of the sky.
Deny it if you want, but the Society is marching off to somewhere, cheering, clapping, pretending to be happy, thinking they are doing the will of God.
900 dead.
How do we stop it before it's too late?