Charles Taze Russell was a notorious Pastafarian in his time, hence the title, "Pasta" Russell.
He was really into de 'erb, and was said to consume prodigious amounts of oregano.
He was less well known by the nickname "Chucky Formagio".
by Albert Einstein 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Charles Taze Russell was a notorious Pastafarian in his time, hence the title, "Pasta" Russell.
He was really into de 'erb, and was said to consume prodigious amounts of oregano.
He was less well known by the nickname "Chucky Formagio".
You were right about the notorious bit.
Here is the text from a flyer advertising a public talk to be given by "Judge" Rutherford.
Notice the promotion of the person. This is the reason he started to be called "Judge."
Subject: "WHERE are the DEAD?"
FROM A LAWYER'S VIEWPOINT. The Question Clearly and Satisfactorily Answered in a FREE LECTURE!by
Hon. J. F. RutherfordOf New York Bar. IN Scottish Rite Auditorium,
Sutter St. and Van Ness Ave., San Francisco. 3:00 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 14th. A hundred thousand persons die every day from wars, earthquakes, pestilence and disease. Where do they go? Where are you going when you die? Mr. Rutherford uses the Bible as his authority. His answers are conclusive and satisfying. ADMISSION FREE * READ PRESS COMMENTS INSIDE *
Investigator of First Causes
Hon. J. F. Rutherford
Mr. Rutherford is an active lawyer of the New York City Bar. He is a celebrated orator and the best known layman Bible teacher in the world to-day. He is scholarly, pleasing, convincing. The public press of America and Europe highly commend him and his lectures. Some press comments follow:
"Hon. J. F. Rutherford, of New York City Bar, lawyer and Biblical lecturer, delivered a powerful address on "The Future Life of Men and Nations" at the Municipal Auditorium yesterday afternoon before an audience of over four thousand persons. His address was a specially masterful treatise of this great question, and held the interest of the large audience throughout." - Springfield Homestead (Mass.).
"The speaker, an imposing figure personally, delivered his points of contention with a force and sincerity that captivated his audience, and when he had concluded the walls of the auditorium resounded with applause. Mr. Rutherford originally planned to speak only in the afternoon, but, when hundreds were turned away, he consented to speak again in the evening." - Springfield Union (Mass.).
"The winning speaker knows how to give utterance to pleasing thoughts which stand for exact science supported by the Bible with its incontrovertible proofs." - National Zeitung (Basel, Switzerland).
"Mr. Rutherford has a most powerful delivery, and without exhibiting any emotional excitement he held the huge audience spellbound." - Evening News (Birmingham, Eng.).
"His speech is brief and distinctive and of an irreproachable logic." - Dagenes Nyheter (Stockholm, Sweden).
"He is a member of the New York City Bar, and is gifted with remarkable eloquence and perfect delivery." - Evening Metropolis (Jacksonville, Fla.).
"Two thousand persons of every class, creed and denomination heard the Hon. J.F. Rutherford in his famous lecture, "Where Are the Dead?" at Nixon Theater yesterday afternoon. Judge Rutherford is an orator of commanding presence and held the vast audience spellbound. He brought out each point clearly and with sledge-hammer effect." - Washington Record (Pa.).
"A large and unusually intelligent audience heard Hon. J. F. Rutherford at the Maryland Theater Sunday afternoon in his famous lecture, "Where Are the Dead?" United States Senator George I. Wellington introduced the speaker. Mr. Rutherford fully maintained his reputation as an orator and Bible scholar, every one of his points being made with telling force." - Evening Times (Cumberland, Md.).
"By special invitation of the officers of the United States Naval Academy, Hon. J. F. Rutherford, the well-known lawyer and Bible student, of New York, lectured at the Naval Academy last evening. The lecture was well received, the entire audience applauding the speaker vigorously." - Evening Capitol (Annapolis, Md.).
"Congressman R. B. Dovener introduced Judge Rutherford, who is of manly physique; standing over six feet tall, with a heavy voice and deliberate manner, his every utterance bearing intense earnestness, the speaker commanded marked attention. The theater was completely filled and many turned away." - Wheeling Register (W.Va.).
"Mr. J. F. Rutherford, of New York City Bar, addressed two thousand persons here yesterday afternoon. His lecture was interesting, the subject being explained with clear reasoning, illustrated by many Biblical quotations." - The Knickerbocker Press (Albany, N. Y.).
"Mr. Rutherford is a man of commanding appearance, a fluent and pleasing speaker, earnest and logical, and was followed with close attention." - Hamilton Times (Ont.)
"The Divine Program was the subject discussed by the famous American lawyer, Mr. J. F. Rutherford, at the Co-operative Hall, Thursday evening. The lecturer held the close attention of his audience for upwards of an hour and a half, his eloquence, besides the deeply interesting topic he was discussing, appealing with forcefulness. He dealt with the subject in the style of a lawyer, presenting his points with apt quotations from the Scriptures." - Warrington Examiner (England).
"Hon. J. F. Rutherford, the well-known American lawyer and Bible lecturer, before a large audience here delivered a most convincing and satisfying lecture last evening." - York Daily (England).
"Judge J. F. Rutherford, the well-known attorney of New York City, delivered an able lecture upon the subject, "The Bible and Its Science from a Lawyer's Viewpoint," at the University Chapel last evening. Through the efforts of Dr. Jordan this eminent lecturer was engaged to speak at Stanford University." - The Daily Palo Alto (Stanford University, Cal.).
"Judge Rutherford, of New York City, spoke twice at the University yesterday. His speech of the evening was one of the best examples of perfectly constructed argumentation that has been heard in the University for some time. It drew forth remarks of admiration from both instructors and students." - Oregon Emerald (University of Ore.)
"The crowd that filled the large Able Opera House to greet the learned Judge, manifested so much interest that the lecturer was requested to speak in the evening, which he did." - Phillipsburg Press (N. J.).
"Mr. Rutherford is a powerful speaker. He never drifts from his theme, but drives home truth after truth and upholds his assertions with quotations from the Bible. There is doubt whether any lecturer appearing in this city ever aroused so much discussion and interest." - Allentown Democrat (Pa.).
"Judge Rutherford is an orator of a convincing kind. He speaks fluently and rapidly without emotional excitement, the appeal he makes being to the intelligence rather than to the heart." - Yonkers Daily News (N. Y.)
"The De Montfort Hall was crowded last evening when the Hon. J. F. Rutherford of the United States delivered his lecture on "Where Are the Dead?" It was estimated that quite 5,000 persons were present to listen to an eloquent disquisition on a subject which evidently aroused the keenest interest among a large section of inhabitants of Leicester. Enlivened by occasional flashes of humor, Mr. Rutherford speaks clearly and fluently, and cites liberally from the Bible." - Leicester Daily Post (England).