Thanks for sharing. What a self-PR of the JW belief. )):
by blondie 18 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks for sharing. What a self-PR of the JW belief. )):
Thank youy Blondie - Your work on these articles is really appreciated.
This whole article is another crock of horses***. They are about as eager to help people that are accused of "wrongdoing", especially questioning the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger, as UPS is to actually deliver packages instead of giving out three notices without the package (and send it back). They are not--and, even if you are "saved" from getting disfellowshipped, they will hound you to death afterwards.
Love in the face of disaster? This article showcased the witlesses helping other witlesses. But, not one word was written about helping worldly people in times of disaster, perhaps by giving to the Red Cross or Salvation Army. Not one word was written about witlesses helping worldly people directly. Just other witlesses. Usually, this "help" comes with strings attached--and is as often as not a way for the witlesses to unload crap that has reached the end of its life. They feel indebted--meaning they have to obey the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger, make all the boasting sessions, and do field circus all the time. Love?
In the above example, where the 'brother' is taken out for a coffee and when he (and his wife) returned later to find a small branch of Tesco in their kitchen, not knowing who had left it...did they not think who had a key/broken into their house? I'm assuming it wasn't left open with no one at home. I'm also assuming it never me cynical. The 'Gary' story sounds familiar too...
Did you know that regular pioneers
can count some of their time in relief work as ministry time on their time slips?
Things like this make me feel angry. So they don't help out of Christian Love, but just to notch up Brownie points?
Jehovah's Witnesses are known for putting Christlike love into action
Yeah right..known by whom? They are told from the platform this is the case, and they are disillusioned enough to believe the whole World regards them as 'charitable' too.
Thanks for posting Blondie...even if articles like this really wind me up, lol.
Blondie, thank you again. Thanks also for the scans.
My comments:
par 12 says: "Already, pressures on all of God's people are intensifying."
"Already"???? Erm, Armageddon is like a hundred years overdue. I think the word they are searching for is FINALLY. "Finally, pressures on all of God's people are intesifying." Except that they're not. The average JW faces no more "pressure" than does the typical non-JW. Certainly not from the "world's financial system" which is the only example they cited.
par 13 says: "Consider the Witnesses who responded to the call for help after the storms and hurricanes devastated widespread areas of the southern United States in 2005. Moved by Jesus' example, more than 20,000 volunteered, many leaving comfortable homes and secure jobs to help their afflicted brothers."
"Moved by Jesus' example" the JWs lent assistance to "their afflicted brothers." How nice. And this is supposed to be following Jesus?
Jesus said: If you love only someone who loves you, will God praise you for that? Even sinners love people who love them. If you are kind only to someone who is kind to you, will God be pleased with you for that? Even sinners are kind to people who are kind to them. (Luke 6:32-33)
par 20 says: "Finally, let us show Christlike love to all our brothers, as Christ himself did... Such love identifies us as Jesus' true followers."
Obviously this statement is false given Luke 6:32-33. For "even sinners love people who love them".
I'm actually surprised by how transparent the WT$ is in this article. "Love" each other and to hell with the rest of them. How very Christlike,
That part about making and monitoring arrangements to help the elder ones who are sick...hogwash! I can't think of one elder who showed any real interest in my mother during the 6-1/2 years she was sick. Only two or three people in the congregation showed any interest at all, and it wasn't because of the elders, it was despite the elders. My father was the primary caregiver, and one time he was almost reduced to tears because hardly anyone came by to visit. However, at her funeral, the speaker commented about how active they had been in the congregation and how their home had been a "hub of activity." Yeah--they used to have gatherings at their house, used to have lots of friends stop by, book studies, etc--that's when they were able to be of use to the congregation. It all stopped when they got old and sick. That comment almost made me sick.
When we finally had to put mother in a hospice near the end of her life, I mentioned to the staff how bad I felt that one of the family couldn't be there all the time. They asked about our church--if we didn't have a ladies' auxilliary group. I father said, well we have elders. I just about choked. Dad still wasn't getting it. This whole situation was primarily the catalyst that got me out of the organization.
I found this sentence in paragraph 7 interesting,for what it said...and didn't say.
It is tragic that some are unrepentant and must be disfellowshipped, yet it is heartwarming to know that a large number of such ones later return to Jehovah and his congregation.
Only a "large number" return. Not "the vast majority" or even "most", but only a "large number".
What is a "large number"? 20,000? 500?
20 years ago, there were 40,000+ disfellowshipped per year. The organization has twice as many members now, and if anything the rate of DFing has increased, so 100,000 per year would not be an unreasonable assumption. So, it seems that at least 50,001 per year are dropping away for good, maybe 60, 70, or even 90,000 per year. And that doesn't include faders. The number lost each year may well be into the 6 digits.
They are still growing in 3rd world countries, and in 1st world countries with enormous immigrant populations, but even that won't last forever. I expect the number to level off at around 8-9 million in a few years, and then begin a slow, decades long shriveling.
I'd love to have access to the Society's databases - I'm sure they have all of this stuff tracked - they are so numbers-obsessed.
Par 13 - 15 , "Q] How have some brothers shown Christlike qualities in the face of disasters"
The congregation yesterday enjoyed answering the question and repeating the examples..Several times I heard the phrase "Not like The World" ....
What?? Do they not know that loads of people helped out in the aftermath of Katrina? I am sure that you all on here know more details than I do but I saw on TV a lot of self less actions by people and agencies alike. Did not people of other states open their homes to the displaced?
It seems that these dubs really have got to believe that the world is full of evil nasty people and that they are the only ones with a streak of human decency. Do they not read the news, or do they ignore the stories of human compassion and only register the bad news and stories of crimes ?
Their blindness and refusal to face the facts beggars belief.....BTW On the way home my wife also commented to me that lots of "worldly people". had done good things at that time
Par 16 -20 highlighted "showing Christ's attitude to the sick"....all well and good (and I have known individual Witnesses who have shown great acts of kindness and support) . I would like to see the Secretary's face though if a M/S said that he had not got a report this month because he had been too busy helping the sick !
As one C/O once said to us " If they can't show a lead [in F/S] they will be taken off so fast that their feet won't touch the ground !
I'd love to have access to the Society's databases - I'm sure they have all of this stuff tracked - they are so numbers-obsessed.
Jack Barr told Gilead Class 119 that over 70,000 were DF'd each year. That was in 2005. The GB was/is concerned that the amont of DF'ings were going up each year.
Yes, they track each and every one. Along with a stamp on the report: "For Internal Use Only".