@diogenesister: that isn’t true. Child rape and pedophilia happen in both white and black communities, there is a stigma in the black community against reporting to the police and there is a lot of normalization in that community however so it is often not reported. Most research even explicitly excludes blacks https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1130987/ but there is plenty of evidence that the problem is a lot deeper, generational and culturally accepted amongst blacks.
The media also play a role in this as they tend to amplify the stories about white people ‘doing something bad’ (it happens a lot less in relation to the share of population, so it’s more newsworthy) a lot more than blacks (based on crime statistics, you should see a lot more black people in the news if reporting was done on every crime)
In regards the elderly, more black people work in lower end healthcare jobs such as elder care and nursing, and again, that behavior is normalized, especially against elderly of non-black races (black supremacy has been a thing since the late 50s and is now deeply engrained). So there is more opportunity, it is acceptable within the black community, hence you hear about it more.