jw-media broken

by besty 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • besty


    anybody know where else the Annual Report can be found online?

  • blondie
  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Hey besty, stop trying to peek behind the curtain.

    Instead, enjoy this link explaining the JW publications are now available in 500 languages! http://www.jw-media.org/gbl/20091116.htm

    Just to clarify, languages #499 and #500 are Klingon and High Elven, respectively.

  • besty

    70% of JW's speak just 10 languages.

    Thats just 2% of the 500 languages they are publishing in.

    I love the smell of fresh bullsh*t.

  • cantleave

    70% of JW's speak just 10 languages. Thats just 2% of the 500 languages they are publishing in.

    It's amazing what futile exercises you can engage in when you have a work force of Slaves.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    besty: "I love the smell of fresh bullsh*t."

    Well, if you like the sound of fresh Pig Latin, that was way back at language #220 or so. I think they have audio recordings available in it.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I saw a pigeon English WT and A! before. I actually like Ewokese, myself.

  • AllTimeJeff

    You know, it suddenly occurred to me that Jehovah's Witnesses are weird.

    500 languages to reach villagers with a translated copy of their latest 2nd grade brochure, complete with 2 scriptures, 30 colorful pictures, and a coupon asking if you want a bible study.

    Well, I guess if you are a Wookie who has never seen a bible, this might appeal to you. I would love to hear Chewbacca read Ps 83:18 out of the NWT.

  • dissed

    I heard they are secretly working on a 'Rock' edition. Not the music, but you know, rocks.

    So when everyone quits and refuses to preach, the GB can say they are giving the rocks all the tools they need to preach from door to door.

    "Good morning, my name is Granite and this is my wife rocky and my kid stoney"

  • No Longer Held Captive
    No Longer Held Captive

    I dont think they speak my language, if i spoke it on here I would barred, so thats one language they dont speak, but when they come to the door and I close it on them, that says volumes.

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