Strong Meteor Showers tonight

by lovelylil2 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • lovelylil2

    Anyone planning on staying up till crack of dawn for this?

    I am going to try to see some of it from my rooftop. I worked overnight last night and did not sleep much today so I am not sure how long I can stay up . But will give it a shot anyway. I am trying to find my camera as we speak.

    Good luck to anyone watching, hope you have a good show. Lilly

  • dissed

    Lilly - It will be 12 F at my place tonight. Nothing will get me out of my warm bed, nothing.

    Besides, don't forget about the movie-documentary 'The Day of the Triffids' It could happen again!! As a precaution, PLEASE!! WEAR YOUR SUNGLASSES for viewing!!!!

  • EverAStudent

    Day of the Triffids!!!!! Two thoughts:

    1) never use that movie title because it dates you chronologically and/or mentally

    2) it was a scary docu-drama (lol)

    I'm gonna go get my watering can ready...just in case...(still lol)

  • KingDavidwasframed

    I keep looking up but see nothing

  • EverAStudent

    Did no one tell you? It's an invisible event...

  • crazyblondeb

    Le sigh...too many clouds in missouri!

  • EverAStudent

    Stayed up till 3am...not one meteorite...

  • snowbird

    I recall reading an account of the 1833 meteor shower by an ex-slave.

    It can be found by googling Slaves' Narratives.


  • lovelylil2

    I was disapointed too. I stayed up until 2 am and did not see anything. My hubby got up at 4 am to go to work and he saw nothing at that time either. I really think you have to be totally away from people, like in an open field somewhere. Come to think of it, this is the best way to see UFOs too.

    Maybe next meteor shower, I will head to Roswell. Lilly

  • snowbird

    I laughed out loud at her recollection that the masters, out of fear that Judgment Day had arrived, began to tell the slaves where and to whom their kin had been sold.

    As if this one single act could redeem them!

    History is something else, isn't it?


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