Dubs are working the housing estate where I live. I was outside my house, applying some TLC to my old Jag (worshiping worldly things?).
One old guy, half a dozen middle-aged and upwards ladies. The 'pioneer shuffle', knocking on doors where it was evident no-one was at home was evident. And they shuffled off. Interestingly, it seemed as though the lady who gave me a leaflet (seemed younger than the rest, 45 or so, well-dressed, well-spoken, and in worldly terms worth giving one) seemed to be the leading light in the group.
It wasn't the right time, so I made no challenges (that's where the 'mea culpa' bit comes in). And, I have to ask myself, just how much interest/energy/enthusiasm do I have left to confront them? I had a recent success in getting 'Private Eye' to report their legal shenanigans in trying to delay the Charity Commission investigation and I'll do my best in that regard.
But - this door-to-door stuff, well,it's a joke. I said, of course, that "I was interested" but they obviously weren't. Just shove the leaflet and go. I was surprised they even called after my last experiences - I would have thought that I was marked as 'DNC' at least, 'Dangerous Apostate' at worst.
And I can't help but compare this latest 'Memorial' leaflet title: 'Millions Will Attend' with the infamous 'Millions Now Living Will Never Die'.
Are their memories so short, or do they just forget?