Daniel 8 For Dummies II - "The WT Strikes ...

by Farkel 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pureheart

    Hi Farkel,

    First of all, the average JW doesn’t care about all of that interpretation because they do not understand it. Second of all, they don’t have to learn it because they do not care. Thirdly, when changes are made, they do not know the difference. Fourthly, if they were asked a question by some intellectual in the door to door work concerning these prophecies they would say, “let me research this and I will get back to you.” After leaving the door they will say to their companion, “he is a goat and I am not wasting my time.”
    Appreciate all of that fine research Farkel.


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  • HoChiMin

    Thank you Farkle, I'm sending this page to anyone who'll read it.


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  • Diogenesister

    Bump this hilarious post, since someone mentioned Farkel!

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  • shepherdless

    Thanks for reviving this, Diogenesister.

    A while ago, I searched to see if anyone had started a thread on Daniel 8:13-14, but didn’t find anything, for some reason. I was going to start my own thread, but I thought it best left to someone more knowledgeable than me.

    In short, Daniel 8:13-14 is possibly the scariest sounding passage in the bible. It sounds like something out of Lord of the Rings. Daniel 8:17 confirms it is an end of time prophecy. It is the same section that spawned the Millerites and the Great Dissapointment.

    How does Watchtower interpret the culmination of the earth-shattering momentous events described? Answer: it refers to an amendment in 1944 to the corporate filings of a Pennsylvania corporation not even mentioned in the bible.

  • smiddy3

    It was certainly well worth reading again after all these years, and to think that when I was "in" the "green'' book was one of my my favorites .

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