Is Eloping very common in JW land?
by asilentone 30 Replies latest jw experiences
if you ran away with your mothers sister it would be aunt-eloping....ahem
Damn ninja...
Put the beer down and back away slowly from the bar...
I don't think it's too common. I heard of only one case and it turned quite ugly...
A young (and horny) couple were engaged to be married. The date was set, the hall arranged to be used, the reception hall rented, all the plans made. Weeks before the blessed event arrived somehow it leaked (I don't remember how - something in the public records that someone stumbled on, I think) that the two were already married.
It turns out that a three months or so before the wedding, the passion was too much so instead of sinning by way of fornicating, they went and got married by the Justice of the Peace. They continued to live at their respective parent's homes, they carried on as if still dating and planning the wedding.
Once the shit hit the fan, there were committee meetings and all kinds of gossip and rumors. No, she wasn't pregnant, no, they had not "done it" before marriage. They just couldn't wait anymore.
They were reproved, she was removed as a pioneer and the wedding canceled.
What a mess...
undercover...if they were "horny"...surely that is anteloping?
Eloping implies to some that you have something to hide or a reason to hurry up the process to hide something.
Even having your wedding somewhere other than the KH such as your own backyard with just a small group, makes some wonder why you "couldn't" have it at the KH.
feeling good
Under cover-
why were they reproved?
They got married and didn't do anything wrong?
There was a young couple in my hall that eloped. Both of their families lived out of town and were very opposed to the relationship. The elders were leaning on them very heavily to obey their parents even though both were of "legal" age. They got a justice of the peace to do the job for them. They just vanished for a few weeks and came back married. I thought they were a nice couple.
I wondered that too???
Was it because the cong felt mislead??? Like the couple was lying? That blows my mind, seems to me like it would have been okay to continue on with a wedding to have a celebration of love.
there were a couple of midgets at my hall who scarpered off to get married....they "ant-eloped"