He did text me y-day...

by Newborn 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finally-Free
    dont be texting no matter how much you want to. let them chase you. just drop the minimum coal in the fire every now and then.

    That approach may have worked on me while I was still a desperate teenager with uncontrollable hormones, but not later. When I got older I'd call. If no one was home I'd leave a message. If my call was not returned I assumed the woman wasn't interested, and I wouldn't call again. I won't play the games and I won't chase anyone. Been there, done that, and I never met anyone who was worth the effort.


  • creativhoney

    thats odd. thought it was the original sin. wanting what you can't have. thought it was a fundamental part of human nature. its a kind of motivating factor. thats why people with everything are miserable..

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Thing is, the truth about what's in your own head and the truth about what reality is often fail to coincide.

  • mrsjones5

    "dont be texting no matter how much you want to. let them chase you. just drop the minimum coal in the fire every now and then.

    That approach may have worked on me while I was still a desperate teenager with uncontrollable hormones, but not later."

    I agree, it does sound a bit high schoolish.

  • undercover

    Yea, I'm with FF...

    I'm too old to play games. If (I reiterate, IF...since I'm married) I were in the dating pool and no interest was shown toward me after making the effort, it's time to move on.

    But that's not to say that we still don't use or have some kind of strategy. Call, don't call. Text, don't text. Answer, don't answer. It's all carefully planned and thought out before any action is taken.

    Kids tend to overthink it. Us old farts are running out of time so we need to speed things up a bit...or we forget who we called in the first place.

  • Newborn

    I won't text him now in the beginning...I've tried that before and it doesn't work (guys are easilly scared) I've to learn from my experiences sometime...

    but I won't play any game with him and I will in that case talk to him about it. If he can't handle my texts, that only shows I care for him then he's not for me anyway.

    but first I'll see how our 2nd date goes which I hope will be tomorrow

    thanks and nite ya'll from Europe

  • creativhoney

    so you are saying its ok to chase men and be constantly available to pander to their whims then?

    I dont think so. I agree with let there be a little mystery.

  • snowbird
    thanks and nite ya'll from Europe

    Sweet dreams and the best to you from across the Big Water.


  • John Doe
    John Doe
    I dont think

    Hence the problem.

  • undercover
    so you are saying its ok to chase men and be constantly available to pander to their whims then?

    No one's saying that either. There's give and take on both sides.

    ...let there be a little mystery.

    A little mystery is fine. No problem there.

    What stuck out to a couple of us was this statement made earlier:

    people say its not a game, but it is, the trick is pretending its not.

    There's a difference between playing a game and preserving a little mystery.

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